I have literally seen 10 posts on Any Forums full of misogynists, racists...

I have literally seen 10 posts on Any Forums full of misogynists, racists, homophobes and islamophobia all trying to raid reddit and take down the transgender flag.

How does it feel that you can't stop the future? Turns out the "power" of a bunch of white supremacists amounts to nothing in the face of the right side of history. Still standing strong bigots!


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Toothpaste flag.


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I don't know what a "SNEED" is but keep laughing transphobe knowing bigots like you are all going extinct because tolerance is winning

Hell yea.

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The Sneed is what you need. YWNBAW

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Your existence is an abomination to nature.
Nature sorts these things out by making you unable to breed. You will have no lineage unless you return to your natural true self and abandon this man-made construct that is a mask, a façade, because you just don't like who you are as a person so you try to change the very fundamentals about yourself which just makes it worse. Its not too late to return to who you are supposed to be.

Wont the trannies genetic lines go extinct from mangling their reproductive organs and not reproducing? Prob why you guys keep trying to recruit other peoples kids

how does it feel knowing I live rent free in your head so much so that you have go out of your way to make violent memes LOL

People saiud the same thing about gays decades ago

> violent memes

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rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free rent free

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Gays dont bother me they just wanted to get married and have faggoty butt sex .neither do trannies honestly live your life until you prob suicide from the mental illness. But when you try forcing hormones to small children and trying to convert/indoctrinate them in the name of tolerance thats a different argument

Have fun when the human race is dead because everyone want to fuck a dude while being a "women"

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"Indoctrinate" when conservatives literally teach their kids that if they're gay or trans they'll be raped and beaten for eternity in hell. yeah oookk.

your obsession is literally music to my ears

rent free

Indoctrination is when you tell young kids to become ghoulish monsters when they don't fit in.

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what's rent free? the mental ward you're currently staying in? That's nice of them. Personally I wouldn't want to deal with the smell.

how come you let italy cut off your "end"?

Im not a conservative, nor am i obsessed with trannies, i dont ever really think about them honestly, i couldnt care less if you want to pretend to be a woman, or if its the other way around if ya want to pretend to be a guy, whatever dude live your life, wish ya the best

im literally screenshotting all of these so 30 years from now conservatives cant claim "oh we were never transphobic in the past" like you do with racism



>tolerance is winning
>because murika says so
>doesn't realize 80% of the worlds population does not agree with murika idiocy and is ready to go to war to keep it the fuck away from their borders

The US is going to get nuked because of you faggots, it is literally your fault. GJ you killed your whole family and everyone you knew so you could LARP as a woman. Soon as Russia is brought onboard to the digital yuan the nukes will fly.

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hang yourself nigger

thank you!! i was waiting for someone to say "oh you have no evidence" like literally all of Any Forums cant take down transgender pride and then will claim they never actually tried :)