Every anti-Linux post on this board is a lie

All of these "I'm going back to Windows, Linux sucks" type threads are absolute bullshit. You read into the thread just a little bit and its obvious these fuckers have never installed Linux in their lives. It's just M$ and Apple shills trying to color the narrative against the most flexible OS in the world.

Attached: linuxpepe.png (920x1024, 43.87K)

microsoft spambots ITT soon

Hello sir have you done the needfull and downloading the new microsoft 11 to try it ?


Holy cope
>how could anyone POSSIBLY dislike linux!!!!
>they must not have even installed it...
Yeah, I did, it was the worst software experience I ever had. Troubleshooting your hobby OS was painful

Okay I'll bit, which distro did you install, what problem did you face,
how did you go about troubleshooting it, and did you manage to get it working?

So now we will have one more boring Windows vs Linux thread from a coping GNU/Linux fanboy.

I went back to windows after spending 6 years on GNU/Linux. However, I still have to use Ubuntu on my work laptop. I never created such a thread because these threads are way too frequent anyway. I don't like GNU/Linux desktop but I wish it would be useful for more things than just some kind of programming and servers,

Ubuntu, and a laptop with an RTX 3060. No wifi, no bluetooth, video output was iffy, brightness control didn't work, keyboard backlight didn't work, camera didn't work, sound didn't work, nothing fucking worked.


Nvidia is the worst GPU manufacturer to go with if you're using Linux. They have been consistently uncooperative with the Linux community and their drivers pale in comparison to AMD's.

stop buying all in one pieces of shit that are hacked together with third party shitware drivers that phone home to china 45 times a minutes.

>you need to use this hardware and this brand of cpu and this monitor
No thanks. If you want your OS to take off, it's gotta work on the same hardware that just werks with windows.

>If you want your OS to take off
it's already more popular than windows. sorry chud you've lost

B&R. A hundo percent truth.

Also true. Like clockwork.

why are phone posters like this?

Attached: yotsuba_‾へ‾.jpg (179x215, 12.14K)

every time

stop taking bait threads seriously nigger

It has been so incessant that it can no longer be simply categorized as bait. It is straight up spam and flooding.

almost like you shilled your os relentlessly so some people tried it and didn't end up liking it

This is a cope

It's bot homie

Everyone who matter are already using it.

What was your "experience" like

Attached: ukiyikuy.jpg (307x358, 27.75K)