Is dark mode good for you

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I drink a few cups of dark mode every day and I still feel fine.

every time i drink 2 cafecitos from my moka pot i get the runs

i should really get mine removed

consider getting a functional jaw or better yet, functional genetics

too late, modern agriculture fucked us over

dark mode cured my stage 4 colorectal cancer, so I would recommend
light mode is worse for you than sunbathing on the planet Mercury

It alleviates gender dysphoria by promoting synthesis of natural estrogen-like compounds in male subjects.

Only got one wisdom tooth removed because it lacked the bottom pair and was growing too long. If you can't fit wisdom teeth in your mouth, you're a jawlet, a chinlet and quite frankly a genetic dead end and you don't even fit in your own body. Kill yourself NOW IMMEDIATELY

I'll let you in on a secret; Most people have their screen brightness WAY too high, that's why they swear by "dark mode".

If white on your screen is uncomfortable to look at then fix your fucking settings retard.

mine only hurts every once in a while so im not gonna go through all that shit

yeah, i only notice mine maybe a few times a year

>i should really get mine removed
You guys grow extra teeth?

i got all 4 removed at once and i was eating chicken the next day, had it easy since it was detected early (and it was definitely growing at a terrible angle)

my friend had it done too late when it was causing pain and they were basically ded for a week

switching to light mode cured my depression

>Is dark mode good for you
No it makes things hard to see and find.


I have my monitor brightness set to 0 and I use dark mode because I suffer from migraines and looking at light annoys me very much, I even set the screen temperature to be warmer at night.

removing your teeth fucks up your gums and they become weaker
americans are obsessed with removing wisdom teeth because of the dentist industry marketing
dont forget dentists arent real doctors, they are mostly plastic surgeons trying to take all the money they can from you on each visit, your teeth detriment is actually benefitial for them they have no incentive to actually help you

granted, i have a shitty budget screen, but i have it at 100% brightness with white mode ui on everything and i feel no discomfort at all. at first when you switch from dark to light it's going to feel overwhelming, but you get used to it and if anything it feels more pleasant than dark mode after like a day

pic related fucked up my jaw...