Prove him wrong

prove him wrong.

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I can't
he's right

I'm still alive lol

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America today is proof he's right

He’s Jewish. They’re never right.

Prove he existed

Stick your dick in my balls fag


The Roman Census listed him as existing.

You're not the Antie christ I am you UK piece of shit

>hey zuze!

I also like reading fiction


>born to Jewish mother
>raised according to the law of moses
>taught in Synagogues
“Not Jewish”

He was wrong. Life is not a happy place where everyone should love each other. There is death everywhere, and if I start loving my people that doesn't mean they will love me back.

why did you invent the tide before the moon

The Romans kept execution records of everyone they hanged.

Also with regards to the historical accuracy - the first thing written about Alexander of Macedonia was written 200 years after.

There are also accounts from roman oligarchs about people losing their mind over his execution within the same year.

Alexander the great - closest documentation ~ 260 years, yet you still believe he existed.

Jesus - about 26 years difference.

In terms of historical records Jesus is one of the best documented people to have ever existed. And with incredibly close documentation time wise relative to other historical figures.

I think the closest source we have for caesars existence is around 100 as well.

If you think either Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar existed, but don't think Christ existed with far less of an interval between records and his life then you're a moron.

they also thought ghosts exist, bro

also what the fuck why are their emotes in my post box

Sorry corrections on above

Jesus - 11 published historical documents ranging from 25-80 years after death

Tiberius Caesar (emperor during Jesus time)- 1 source; 80 years after his death

Alexander of Macedonia? Closest source was over 300 years after his death.

In terms of asking the question "prove he existed"

You literally can't have a better historical account than the one of Jesus. If you say it's bullshit you have to basically throw away all other ancient history, as it is documented MUCH worse than Jesus's live and death

yeah im willing to do that

Jesus didn’t die just so you can your faggot retarded ass doubt he existed or not go back to r/atheism and kill yourself

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Then you are genuinely retarded and ignorant for the sole sake of being retarded and ignorant.

That only harms you. Doesn't bother me. It's like the equivalent of being a feminist.

Go suck Christ's dick faggot

You're a fucking retard

ITT mad neckbeards

okay prove me wrong

I'm a theologian. No God is better than the next. Religion is a weapon used for idots.

"middle school History make me mad
Me no like"

My Little Pony and Lard aren't theology

That's not how the burden of proof works numbnuts

>I believe fiction writing
Go back to Facebook you fat fuck. It's more you're speed. Retard.

uh. yeah

yes it does. you claim god exists. how so.

life is so confusing