What's Any Forums's opinion of this nigga?

What's Any Forums's opinion of this nigga?

Attached: Muammar Gaddafi.jpg (1024x576, 122.74K)

children in school should read about him

didn't his people literally rip his head off at the end?
that says a lot

Carlos santana is pretty based

They also stabbed him in the ass post mortum. It became a Joke in the US for a while where ppl would poke others in the ass and say "Gaddafi!" Truly fucking bizarre



That says nothing. Since when do people know anything?

This fuckin guy hahaha


shouldve tried to find some way to ally with this guy
he was probably the best bet to get into the muslim world

The 57th Shade

He be dead af nigga

Attached: watch out folks.png (300x235, 17.48K)

I laughed



You make a good point

Ordi Templi Orientis

He's fucking dead

awesome guy murdered by western jewcunts.

He freed a lot of European hostages with his money

roll for his reincarnation

Dude was handsome as fuck in his youth, hollywood good looks. Ready threw me off what he looked like in his prime.

>Muammar Gaddafi
>What's Any Forums's opinion of this nigga?

He's dead.