Is this chubby for a 20 something year old?

Is this chubby for a 20 something year old?

Attached: CF82F9CC-D5ED-404D-B737-80B270053E2B.jpg (3088x2316, 1.68M)

Chubby? You're one burger away from a heart attack. Get on a diet and hit the gym, fat fuck.

Only in America lmao

No. That's morbidly obese!

normal now days

Attached: 1648688200568.png (845x755, 583.11K)

It depends on what species of whale you are

Even your torso looks disappoined

You're skin and bones, I think you could stand to eat a triple cheeseburger or two.

Have some self respect man. Cut down on the corn syrup, avoid trans fats, drink whole milk with healthy fats in it and replace margarine with butter, fill yourself up with meat so that you don't crave as much processed garbage (tuna steaks are pretty good), eat sugary foods as a treat but realise you don't have to empty your whole fridge to feel good. Also try working out more, walking is good but even try doing push-ups a few days a week, you don't have to push yourself too hard for it to be rewarding just get some exercise. I feel bad for americans who are raised on such a garbage diet, hfcs was never meant to replace sugar in foods and drinks and a lot of the crap we are told is bad for us is actually healthy, natural wholesome food that people have been eating for years without problems. I weigh around 100kg right now and even I know I have to shed some weight off, it not only leads to more physical health problems but it also affects you psychologically


god damn you are fat as hell

If you're an American that's actually on the thin side

Don’t exaggerate
You decide
Thanks dude was thinking I’m due a cheese burger
I do thanks but no thanks
You are
Hell must be a fine place then
Hahaha good one

Past the point of no return. You'll never look good without a shirt, even if you lose all the fat. Loose skin for days!

Imagine fucking yourself over this badly in your 20s. Good fucking job loser.

shut up bro

fukcing HOT

>Don’t exaggerate
he is not exaggerating bro, you are going to have a shorter life than if you had kept to eating right and moving a little

here is a pic of the fattest man in the world from 1920. People paid money to come and stare at him. you are not far off of this size

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-03-31 at 4.19.04 PM.png (804x1082, 1.05M)

Post penis and I'll decide.

He was being facetious.

I always go for guys that look like this...

How did you get to this point OP? I'm half your size (still overweight). I never sleep, I have hypertension and I feel like shit every day. I either need to lose weight or kill myself.