Who's got the video or link of the Icon Park Orlando accident

Who's got the video or link of the Icon Park Orlando accident

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was it a dark ride?

cant believe this kids family is really trying to sue. he was fat as fuck and probably stupid (since he was a kid). this shit happens, thrill rides come with some risk. and id assume if they didnt harness him in at all he'd be yelling about it before the ride went up. this happened in california on the same ride (Drop Zone at paramount great america) and it turned out the kid was squirming and fidgeting because the harness was uncomfortable and he ended up falling out.

Could be an unfortunate accident, but the whole "we expect theme parks to be safe" shit is retarded. You're literally going on adrenaline inducing, scary rides. accidents happen just like when you drive a car.

I hope I did that right

WHAT A MASSIVE FAGGOT YOU MUST BE TO CARE AT ALL. Do not pass go or collect og directly back to r1ddit and never come back

Attached: IMG_1203.png (500x700, 790.1K)

The board goes before the post

Why does somebody go WOOO after someone clearly just fell and died

type in bestgore DOT fun/w/wBzJexjSM11ocve1irhtUN


hshc nigger

I have little faith in humanity, people are shitbags of course someone would yelp #worldstar or something

Rides have the /illusion/ of danger. Otherwise you'd be tandem skydiving, ziplining, racing, etc.



men of culture

Please take me through how you think being launched towards the sky/ground in a plastic bucket seat with a single point of failure is only the “illusion of danger”. I’d love to hear it.

Please take me through how you think an argument about the design intent of ALL amusement rides can be ended by talking about one single poorly designed ride.

read before you retard

> not answering the question

Hurrrr durrrrf

read before (You) you retard

Before the ride even took off people were shouting that his seat wasn't secure, a guy who I guess was a friend of his said he talked about it before the plummet the ride does. It shouldn't have happened, the employees who are kids probably making $8/hr should have fastened the restraint or told him he's too fat to ride.