Why do "developers" seem to not know anything about computing beyond programming?

Why do "developers" seem to not know anything about computing beyond programming?
OK, some of the most literate of them might know things about Unicode, EOF, or the difference between a plain text and binary file.
But most of them seem to be also unable to change the settings of their OS, or even installing an OS of their own. They prefer to be Mac babies instead of Linux power users, and I'm pretty sure that development is much easier on the latter.
So, can anybody explain this discrepancy?

Attached: 0*tXU7dbgRi5Cl-5hb.jpg (1300x867, 122.71K)

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when you stop being broke you'll figure out why people prefer macs

Because supplanting your personality with a brand is the path of least resistance for the intellectually lazy?

overspecialization is a curse and it is going to be the kerkoporta for the fall of this culture.
"They were a great culture but everyone only knew how to do this one thing and consoom content"

I can explain it OP and, if you've ever browsed Any Forums you should be able to explain it too. If you need a hint I'll give you one: "leet code".

No? OK, allow me to explain. If you're like me, a millennial or genX chad, then you're a real developer. We learned to program because we enjoyed it. We learned to program to take our already existing computer hobby to the next level. We didn't learn to program for monetary gain, that was just a nice bonus.

But are young people different? YES. You see this all the time if you browse Any Forums. Remember how we learned to program user? Remember coming up with idea after idea for various side projects? remember writing cheats for games, website scrapers, automating your own daily tasks, writing irc bots, etc? Zoomer SCUM can't even CONCEPTUALIZE personal/side/hobby projects.

EVERY day you see zoomers saying "how do I practice x" instead of just working on passion projects. And why can't disgusting, subhuman, zoomer scum, conceptualize programming for fun? Because they don't.

Zoomers learn to program because someone, tv, youtube, some careers counselor has told them "it's a great way to make MONEY" and so the subhuman zoomer wants to force themselves to learn something to make them rich. Learn something to save them from mcdonalds wagery

But without the passion, without the hobby, without coding for the love of computers the zoomer is lost. The only thing they have is fucking "leetcode" as a way of "drilling" programming because the idea of programming things that are useful or programing for fun is completely alien to them. They think programming is something you learn by doing drills rather than by enjoying it

Your modern young wannabe is no different than someone who thinks they can learn piano from playing scales for a few hours a day but has no interest in composing/performing music and doesn't even listen to music when away from the piano.

>tl;dr modern "programmers" are just mcdonalds fry cooks with extra steps.

Yes, Linuxfags do let everyone know they use Linux

Based beyond belief

Attached: 1548734565927.png (480x480, 253.78K)

they are "engineers" user. pls update your terminology so these dumbshits can feel important.

but what if I am a zoomer and I want to program both for fun AND to make dosh

IT drones and underbudgeted support departments get underpaid to handle all of that so they don't care.


That gay shit doesn't matter and i'm not paid to know about it

The developers you're talking about are probably webdevs.

I use a mac at work and I hate it. The window manager is bad, double clicking on a window sometimes maximizes it, others it maximizes it just vertically. In one screen it maximizes but leaves space at the bottom for the app bar, in the other it maximizes to the whole screen despite the app bar being there.
Basic shortcut keys are inexistent. I can't move a window by holding a key and moving the window with the mouse, I can't move a window from one screen to the other with my keyboard.
When I close a window, it still shows in the command-tab window, I have to right click the icon and quit for it to finally disappear. And the the icon stays in the bar and I have to drag and drop the icon out of the bar for it to go away.

The Airsomething thing to stream the screen to my tv doesn't work.
The charger is a bulky mess that kept falling from my wall so I needed an extra cable anyway.

It's unixy but the folders are not in their right place. Uppercase /Users folder instead of /home.
Homebrew is slow to update and doesn't have that many packages.

The only good thing about this thing is the large amount of ram and the arm64 processor and I'm sure other laptop providers will start making them sooner or later.

all of your issues stated are fixed if you bothered to look through settings but keep on typing

OP, you want an example? This retard He doesn't even try to look into settings and/or install 3rd party programs to fix the issue

I don't think it's something that started in youger generations.
In one of my previous jobs I worked with 2 literal boomer programmers who have actually used punch cards, 8-track tapes and dumb terminals in their early carreers. When it came to coding they really knew their stuff, they were able to program in x86 assembly and easily understood hex, binary code and hardware architecture in general.

However when it came to anything besides programming, they were almost as clueless as the zoomers. They needed help with trivial things such as reinstalling Windows, installing drivers, changing network settings, or even installing and configuring the IDEs they worked with. I'd say the issue is more widespread and pretty much what this user says

No. You can't do it through settings. You have to install 3rd party applications and I refuse to install them for things that should be possible natively.

>Remember writing cheats for games, website scrapers, automating your own daily tasks, writing irc bots, etc?
The problem I've always had with encouraging developers to prioritize Leetcode is that it disincentives developers focusing on their own projects. If an algorithmic problem is relevant it would've came up organically in my own work. What's the point of focusing solely on algorithms if you're not going to apply them anywhere outside of a specific exercise? Why not just make something you think is cool?

>arm64 processor and I'm sure other laptop providers will start making them sooner or later.

retard, arm64 won't ever make it big. the only reason it exists in macs is because apple is a team of fags who can't bother to pay extra for a decent processor

>and I'm pretty sure that development is much easier on the latter.
what an embarrassing post

I'm studying CS and I see people like that all the time. It's very sad


How can someone post on Any Forums and be so incompetent? Try looking things up