Here’s some pictures of my girlfriend Yunxiu playing the switch...

Here’s some pictures of my girlfriend Yunxiu playing the switch. She loves animal crossing the most and has been playing Pokémon arceus. We’ve been dating for three years and got engaged last year. She lets me smell and lick her feet while she plays. Her feet never get sweaty and don’t smell. I love her so much.

Attached: GFPlayingSwitch.jpg (1024x699, 93.21K)

Good for you, user.

Beautiful feet, show us more



Youre a fuckin fag, dude.

I want to lick her feet and suck the sweat out of her socks and bra

fuck off, she's not your girlfriend.

Does anyone know if women will see us as weaker and less manly if we show interest in their feet ? Is it possible to keep being dominant and manly but like just have a few moments where we play kiss lick their feet and get footjobs and maybe even get stepped on a bit if they’re into it ?

For women what happens in bed is in another dimension of life so don't worry, unless you're doing some really weird degenerated shit, but then even if you do then that rule doesn't apply to those women.

Looks like my girlfriend except she’s an unhygenic lazy pig. Cute as hell, incredibly sweet and loyal, but I’m thinking about breaking up because she has too many unfeminine and messy habits.

Where is the engagement ring? I don't see it in any of the pics.

Nice chink soles. But having no smell is boring.

Good for you user but I must comment if you asian girl is not cooking you some delicious dinners you are really missing out on a big part of being with one

Like what

She showers once a week, so her hair always has dandruff and pussy smells. Doesn’t really clean up after herself, leaves orange peels and dirty plates and piles of dirty tissues everywhere. I had to train her to brush her teeth regularly. And she doesn’t really cook, which like the other user said, is a big deal to be missing out on. she just scrolls through tiktok and wechat all the time. When she does cook she just wants to try cooking western food but she doesn’t do a good job at it.

you scored a stinky NEET gf, and you're bitching about it.
you absolute fag. you will regret it the rest of your life if you let it go.

I hate women

What is great about that?

Such a waste of time. You could be fucking her or getting your dick sucked while she plays.

Sounds like she has depression