/emg/ - Emacs and Lisp general

XWEM edition

>General Emacs resources
gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/emacs.html (GNU Emacs Manual)
emacswiki.org (Emacs Wiki)
github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Big list of packages)
github.com/thinkhuman/writingwithemacs (Tips for prose writing in Emacs)

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
gnu.org/software/emacs/tour (GNU Emacs Tour)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX2044Ew-UVVv31a0-Qn3dA6Sd_-NyA1n (General Introduction)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVtKhBrRV_ZkPnBtt_TD1Cs9PJlU0IIdE (Org Mode)
youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8Bwba5vnQK14z96Gil86pLMDO2GnOhQ6 (Advanced Configuration)

>(Self) Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h o (Functions and Variables)
C-h i (Assorted Manuals)

M-x customize

>Premade Configs
=Make your own=
github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/tree/develop (Doom Emacs)
github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs (Spacemacs (heavy))
github.com/snackon/Witchmacs (Witchmacs)

>Reduce Startup Time
use-package defer
pastebin.com/mrPsnUas (Disable GC during startup)
emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsAsDaemon (Emacs as Daemon)
akrl.sdf.org/gccemacs.html (Native Compilation, stable, merged into Emacs 28)

>Changing Default Keybinds

>Programming resources for Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, Scheme and Clojure:

If there seems to be a bug (or complicated issue), anons may ask you to compose an MWE (minimum working example).
To create an MWE, try the following:
1) start emacs with "emacs -q". This disables your init.
2) try to reproduce your issue with as few settings changed and packages (manually) loaded as possible.
These steps ensure that other anons can replicate your problem if it's something more involved. Sometimes you even find the cause yourself this way, too!

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GNU Guix!

Attached: dvce.jpg (1261x1279, 211.68K)

the scheme OS!

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Is there any real benefit to evil mode? vim commands were always so un-intuitive every time I try to stick with it I just keep looking up how to do simple things all of the time. Holy emacs + custom keybindings just makes the most sense to me.

Use what works for you. That's the point of Emacs.
I still use evil for file editing and motion but prefer Emacsisms otherwise.

>Is there any real benefit to evil mode?
It's fast, intuitive and easy to remember.


emacs + geiser + guile is probably the best lisp experience you can have in 2022

join us, CLers. guile even has a kind of ugly syntax, you're gonna love it!

Attached: Guile.full.3626652.jpg (2376x1709, 2.46M)

Vim keybind and its " editing language" are overrated as fuck. All the shilling points of its keybinds breakdown completely when you don't do the editing ( + shit lmao and they keep seething about emacs pinky). Basic command keys for movements and editing (probably mode-specific like moving by sexp tree in lisp mode) + keys for your general/common workflow like what XFK does are much better over all.

hmm i learned vim before emacs, so evil is pretty indispensable for me. I have the muscle memory so not having the bindings is super annoying. I tried XFK once out of curiosity because xah actually took alternative layouts into account (i use dvorak) but couldn't get used to it :( maybe one day i'll try again

>emacs + geiser + guile
how do i properly set up geiser? can it be as comfy as slime?

>Not posting the GOAT Guile theme

you need to install geiser itself and geiser-guile (there are other packages for other schemes). the defaults are fine for both, they don't require configuration.

I had an issue with the fact that geiser uses the C-c namespace for most of its bindings, but a very helpful user gave me 90% of a solution in the last thread.

I'm using something like this
(add-hook 'geiser-mode-hook (lambda () (when (not (fboundp 'my-geiser-keymap))
(fset 'my-geiser-keymap (cdr (assoc ?\C-c geiser-mode-map)))
(define-key geiser-mode-map (kbd "C-c") nil)
(define-key geiser-mode-map (kbd "C-c g") #'my-geiser-keymap))))

this replaces all the C-c commands with C-c g commands. there's another very similar block for geiser-repl-mode-map. but if you don't mind the C-c pollution, you can just use the package defaults for everything. company-mode just werks for me, and lsp is unnecessary.

then create a .scm or .ss file, put this header in it:
#!/usr/bin/guile \
--no-auto-compile --use-srfi=1 -e main -s

and you're ready. the guile executable will expect a function named 'main' accepting a single argument, which will be a list of the command line arguments passed to it.

Attached: FSugTygWAAAsySr.jpg (1920x1080, 159.83K)

What makes it the best experience?

i see, i'll try it out user, thanks

Lisp glows in the dark

Attached: glow.png (419x424, 208.1K)

What's the exact difference between Racket and Scheme? I am a noob, but i am interesed on some nice cross platform scripting (Powershell is kinda ugly).

>Is there any real benefit to evil mode?
Unless you really can't live without Vi-style keybindings, no.

I used Vim as my main editor for over 5 years before switching to Emacs and even I am of the opinion that Vi-style keybindings are overrated. In fact, I now believe that modal editing as a whole is overrated. It's useful in some situations, but it's not always objectively better than non-modal editing.

too slow

Why is the Common Lisp community so cucked?

Attached: clucks.png (974x181, 10.78K)

I see so many people disagreeing with ukraine supporters just because they usually disagree with those people.
It's so stupid, like something has the aesthetics of something else you disagree with so you have to disagree with that too. Where's the logic in that?

>GNU Emacs 26.3
ultranewfag retard that's just barely comfortable enough to start prettifying GNU Emacs here. I'm trying to take doom-modeline for a spin and getting
Error (use-package): Failed to install doom-modeline: melpa.org/packages/doom-modeline-20220628.718.tar: Not found

Does pic related mean incompatible with my version?

Just using the recommended setup:
(use-package doom-modeline
:init (doom-modeline-mode 1)
:custom ((doom-modeline-height 15)))

Attached: hotretardsauce.png (534x288, 36.56K)

wtf i love lisp now

I hate the antichrist.
Simple as.