How can I (fat man) get a woman like her (hot)

how can I (fat man) get a woman like her (hot)

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Have sex

Be a millionaire

Money. Next question.

By being any combination of rich, influential and funny.

Lose weight, acquire money

if you are asking the question you never will be able to

Worth mentioning you need at least two and for every aspect you lack in the third you must increase the first two


post more attractive women

White females are only attracted to bbc. Offer to be a black mans slave cuck and you might stand a chance

First, you should stop trying to be a woman.

This I think is mostly true if you generalize (And if additionally to FAT issue there is an age gap)

But there are lots of hot women that have experienced some shit. (Everyone probably experience shit, so also hot people, but hot females could also run into higher risk of sexual miss use, such as rape or emotional abuse) So could well be that what she is searching is an anchor. Stability both financially and emotionally. I think to get to know her better you kinda need to be funny, but the reason why she stays is because you can be relied upon and there is a future. Cheers fatty.

Way easier to just check your diet and loose some pounds.

Shower and have a good personality

Chad advice doesn't work for betas.

Is it really that hard retard? The answer is MONEY... Lots of it.



rape and overpower her. a whore like this needs to be taught the power of a man. go out there and find her and blow your nut balls deep into her then rip those nipple rings out


Lick her. In doing so you've marked her as yours and now you own her. Solved.

Go on a diet, fatso.