Arabs are subhum-

arabs are subhum-

Attached: burj-khalifa.jpg (728x594, 169.84K)

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Well, they paid for it, but did they design and build it?

whites built that

this...I think they had a non-Arab design it, and they built it with Indian and Southeast Asian labor

>Being this delusional

They built it with slavery.
The slaves were:
- lured to Dubai with false promises
- trapped in Dubai by confiscating their passports
- forced to live in a shanty town with open sewers where the paths should be
- commuted to the building site in open trucks
- underpaid or not paid

And what's wrong with that, huh? It's not like they were Muslims.

fuck off faggot

That tower doesn't even have functional sewer. No joke. They have a procession of trucks show up to take the sewage away every so often.

too advanced for the people it was made for

Well, we can stop selling you oil, or you can stop spreading these lies. Choose.

once the need for oil and with it the oil money disappears, this place will go back to be a place of sand and nothing else. Just like it used to be.

once renewable energy gets invented sandniggers are fucked

Very cool!
Also check out this termite hill OP. They are some of the most amazing humans on earth.

Attached: Travel Blogs, Travel Articles, Travelogues, Travel Photos, Maps.jpg (420x560, 59.43K)

They invented Algebra.

Then we stop selling you weapons and the people you left out of your golden spoon life will come and take your spoons away, deal.

yay slavery, go dubai!!

Attached: ded kot.jpg (880x880, 208.99K)

Horrible trashy city that shows money can't buy class

Every morning

tom cruise is not impressed.

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He's Jewish.

He's still white you retard

Jews aren't white.
