Is this your fetish?

Is this your fetish?

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source faggot

Charles Boyle, the deputy communications director from Brown’s office, told the paper in an email that staff from the governor’s office informed legislative staffers about the bill’s signing on the day it was passed. He also said that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

This used to be called "a certificate of attendance" as in the student showed up enough days for the school to receive the government funding money to pay the union teachers. So now they are going to give diplomas for attending young adult day care?

This is because of COVID. It makes it difficult to have a standardized test if everyone is not in school or lots of people aren't in school. The concept of needing a standardized test to graduate is actually a recent phenomenon. Right wing propaganda outlets have spun it in another way for their low IQ sheep.

Republican god governors in Florida & Texas both did this and are likely still doing it

>>He also said that the new standards for graduation will help benefit the state’s “Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

The HARD bigotry of NO expectations

So when the ignorant student applies for a loan to continue their education in the failed system, the teachers will continue to get paid for producing substandard products - graduates that can't read, write, do simple math, or have any marketable skills. I'm starting to think our education system is run by socialist and commies.

I wish.
If it was run by socialists it would work better.

To cure this we need to scrap everything and start over, the rot is firmly entrenched in the institutions that teach the teachers to teach.

It took 2-3 generations to reach this point it will take at least that long, if not longer, to undo it.

You obviously munch on cock like a rabbit with carrots. Why don't you just kiil yourself and spare the world the despair or your existence.

Yeah we need to kill the niggers and jews and start over from scratch!

I dropped out of school and I did fine. Well I am a fucking degenerate but I'm not dumb. I can imagine that if I was black and dropped out I'd probably have a much more miserable life though. so whatever chalk a w up for the jigs idgaf

This was OK'd and vetted by the ESTABLISHMENT to have a permanent underclass. Can't have the POORS thinking above their station.

You know those niggers aren't going to retain math anyway so what does it matter. As long as Jamal can weigh out grams on his pocket scale and count benjamins that's all he needs

Sometimes I don't think you faggots know what you're saying

Please give me your solution on how to educate 3 entire grades worth of kids that need an extra year. In a school system that doesn't have the capacity for anyone to get a 5th year.
Oh and stay within the budget too.

The ridiculous part is even if this was only suposed to be a temporary, post covid, measure ... it will continue on like a fucking zombie. There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government program or measure.

They've never actually said that's the reason though. There were only 13 states that required a standardized test to graduate prior to COVID. WA is one of them. So now they are just like all the other states that don't require them (the op image misrepresents what's occuring)

And then a lot of the other states that did require it also paused it. Theres nothing wrong with allowing people to graduate based on their grades instead of a standardized test, indeed that's the norm

28 / 2 = 14
14 / 2 = 7
7 / 2 = 3-1/2
Now it get hard after this because the scales aren't very accurate. Kids don't even know why they start with 28 grams.