Why can't democrats define "woman?"

Why can't democrats define "woman?"

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"Trans"gender means a man with a penis, a man without a penis, a man with a fake vagina, a man who ahs fake tits, a man who doesn't have fake tits, a woman without a vagina, a woman with a vagina, a woman with a fake penis a woman with tits, a woman without tits, etc
it literally is meaningless

Same reason Trumptards have fantasies that Cheeto Dick is still in charge

Because the second they do, they will have something to be held to, and they want to be as slippery as possible

who has time for republicans playing games
nobody cares about you niggas and your GONCERNS


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Because it's stupid to agree to get dragged into a pointless sjw shit tornado when you're about to become a supreme court justice. She gave an answer that pissed off both sides. I like it.

Why are all conservicucks transphobic pieces of subhuman shit?

Define "shit".

How is asking for a clear and concise defintion of something "transphobic"? She wasn't asked to define what "trans"gender means.

I'm sorry I thought this was an interview for the Supreme Court, not playing doctor.

because she's just a diversity hire

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So she should know how to define a women in legal terms.

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Kill yourself. Whiteboi mad he has a small pp



They don't exist. There are only two types of human: men an men with mental illnesses.

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how is this even relevant to the post? the left seriously can't meme or stay on topic.

why the fuck should this nigger be a supreme court judge? lmao

If that case comes up she will. Until then, let's keep the courts as far from social policy as possible. That much shouldn't be partisan.

First supreme court justice I'd fuck