What's your real life D&D alignment...

what's your real life D&D alignment? i would say i'm chaotic good because i'm fundamentally good-natured but i would still torture the fuck out of a living thing if i really wanted to.

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>i would still torture the fuck out of a living thing if i really wanted to.
That would make you evil, or neutral at best.

What is the alignment of a dandelion that breaks through the asphalt paved over it, in the eyes of nature compared to the eyes of the road maintenance crew?
You see it all depends on the "eye of the beholder" also an interesting monster from the D&D universe.

Alignments are objective truth, and part of the fundamental nature of the universe.

Otherwise there's no point in including them in your game.

Alignments change all the time as time itself changes everything, but the different aspects of the universe, as they merely change position.

If you're Evil, then you're Evil. It's not a point of view, it's a fact, and it doesn't change no matter how "necessary" your actions were, or how good your intentions.

nah it's just for fun

The murderer that realizes his folly saves a family from being stoned to death, is he good or evil?


chaotic good but I'd potentially hurt an innocent person for a greater goal idk

I do not know, I can not see the nose in front of my face

Lawful Evil,
I'm a good boy but I will try to make myself better than everybody else even if I know that would result in somebody being upset,

Found the retard
Go eat a bible

True Neutral

I'm good natured, and generally lawful, but only because I'm looking out for my own self interests.
I'll break minor laws if it's not going to get me in trouble or cause problems for others. And there's no way I'm giving money to charity.
I'll help people if I have to, but there has to be something in it for me. Even if it's just social standing.
I don't feel good for acting selflessly. I end up berating myself for it.

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evil, the practice of stoning i imagine is like jury duty so all able bodied citizen should be murders and he attempts to thwart the local justice system based on his own beliefs instead of going through the proper channels he thinks himself above the system that has kept order long enough for him to grow

Zen Buddhist so Lawful Neutral I guess.

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What if the justice system is morally corrupt and evil as it is ruled by an evil sadistic king?

Life has no alignments
Every other statement is too human

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Chaotic Neutral

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Neutral Evil/Chaotic Neutral

unlawful killing
so no a court order stoning does not make the participants murders, just like soldiers in a firing line, man-slaughterers maybe

Exactly. There's no way I'm actively looking for people to be useful for, but I always act carefully not to damage the moral fabric of society. Good things I do out of decency, and evil things I do because that's another part of my nature. Doing too much good brings bad luck. The truth is, most people are evil and too good people are just fooling themselves.

barrel of laughs

As the army rolled into the village and killed all the inhabitants on sight, the bodies of women children and men were scattered around, one of the soldiers stopped and looked at his sergeant, "tell me why we just killed all these people again"?
And the Sergeant replied "Its our duty, all these people rebelled against the laws of our kingdom, you did good soldier by following orders"

OP here, still think i'm chaotic good, my conscience tells me to be nice/considerate towards people, but that can be overridden by annoyance/frustration/a bad mood etc., basically i'm nice to people as long as i can manage it, but sometimes i just can't, people can be pretty annoying. i've been told i have "a heart of gold", no idea how true that is.

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That's not how chaotic good works. Chaotic good is your good but willing to do anything possible to stop someone that is evil. I'd you knew your d&d alignments youd know this.

Being good but torturing someone because you can is a neutral alignment at best. I'd be lawful good but per a friend before his death I'd be a chaotic good as I'm willing to do norally questionable things to get bad guys while he was more lawful good. He was once offered a job buy the feds to hack CP sites and find people but his morals wouldnt let him, and he said he could teach me how to do it but wouldbt because I'd go all out on the people I find.