Time go get high and watch tv. Help me pick a method and a movie...

Time go get high and watch tv. Help me pick a method and a movie. I have everything from chillum to a volcano and everything from Blue Dream rosin to dry flower to Cat Piss. I'm not smoking the cat piss. Im saving it for the next time someone wants to bum some.
My fate is in your hands.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League. Just kick back, get high and chill for 4 hours.

High by which method? Also there is no way I'm sitting through a 4 hour marvel movie.

a bowl, a joint, a bong, a vape, and a blunt
all together
lectures on general relativity

Volcano something nice and couch locky, an indica, and watch Love, Death & Robots on Netflix. Absolute belter compilation of animated short films so attention span isn't tested too hard. Very high recommendation

Indica or sativa. Dry flower or oil? Vape or smoke?

I have every option.

Lemmegetahitodat catpiss

Solid dab + joint. Blue dream rosin sounds scrumptious

Put it in your ass and watch Bad Boy Bubby

Is Bubba Fett couch or sleep? I forget

I actually have a suppository. Still waiting for a good movie suggestion but I'll also do that just for you. But let me let it come to room temp.

Bad Boy is on Tubi.

It's a deal but I doubt this does much. I got them for my wife's cramps but she says they don't work for shit.

So I'm also going to do a couple bags off the volcano and have some blue dream off the dab pen.

Watch The Fly (1986) while you smoke as much dry flower as you can. Watch while rolling.

Gravity bong


Nice dubs but I've already showed a suppository up my ass, made a bag off the gape and opened Tubi up to watch Bad Boy Bubby

Not a Marvel movie.. It's a 4 hour rated R cinematic DC epic.
I'd do indica and vape what ever you prefer. Get real comfy and zone right in.

I actually don't have one of those.

Bubby has a lotbof cock. Was not expecting so much man meat in the opening sequence.

>watching capeshit

Yes it's capeshit, BUT it tries its best not to be. It tries to simply be refereed to and respected as a film, and not to be rolled up into that regular cookie cutter super hero bullshit.

This is akin to going "it's not coke, it's Pepsi"

No, you're describing the Joker.

Sorta, but I would say more along the lines of "is it non-alcoholic or alcoholic". Deceiving but the difference is there.

"Bad Boy Bubby" is the movie

Yes. I'm watching it on Tubi. Right now. He's just killed the cat