When was the last time you crapped in your pants, Any Forums?

When was the last time you crapped in your pants, Any Forums?

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changed them

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Im not sure. I know its happened though and I never thought it would.
Its not always a fart folks.
You would think its easy to tell the difference but it isnt always.


When I was 3

I drank lean and sharted in the bed about six months ago

a space Odyssey

Literally about 3 hours ago, I just mentioned doing it in another thread, I drank a lot last night so I did a really long and wet fart before, turned into a shit and I just let loose and let it all out and ended up shitting myself and the bed, the smell was awful like rotten eggs and banana, I still haven’t gotten out of bed so it’s still sitting all inside my pants I seriously can’t be fucked moving

this. nothing got on my pants just super liquid fart

Couple weeks ago. Wasnt a full blown shit. But sure enough shit came out when I thought it would just be a fart. God I love working from home. Easy to clean up.

like 2 months ago. had my brother staying at my house for a couple weeks and despite having 3 bedrooms I only have one bathroom. fucking nigger was in the shower in the middle of the night when I woke up with raging diarrhea. anyway I didn't make it in time to use the bathroom. mind you it was like 8°F outside

Where do you think the notes of banana came from?

Within the last three months, can't remember exactly, but was laying bed and farted, little bit of ass sludge made contact with boxers. Threw them away and got in shower immediately

Let’s see…what time is it now?

Last month. Was taking laxatives and had to fart, just ended up squirting some dooky all over myself.

(Sung to the tune of “London Bridge Is Falling Down”)

Joey Biden poops his pants
Poops his pants
Poops his pants
Joey Biden poops his pants
Let’s Go Brandon!

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This is now a get thread

Laughed in irl

Let's just say when you get older and you eat some garbage like fast food, don't trust a fart.
If you are unsure whether it's a shit or fart, you don't wanna find out the hard way.
I was humiliated enough, I don't wanna talk more about it.

Can’t go wrong with a pants pooping thread!

tell us what happened lad

Today. It's a fetish.
I like to put on a pair of clean undies, and completely defecate in them.
The warm squishy shit smashing up between mu buttcheeks and tidy whities.
It's euphoric.

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Somebody post a pic of poop in their pants.

By the way, I’m working on it

What the hell man, you've been laying in your poop for 3 hours? Hgnnn..

The best part is when you pull your buttcheeks apart once the duty is done and it's like pulling apart a peanut butter sandwich hahaha.

eat healthy and loads of vibres in food than your shit will always be good and way harder. it's like clay. if you mix it with too much water it's custard basically and there is no way you can hold your shit for hours. when I started eating less garbage I could hold it up for many hours. than I started intermittent fasting, eating more at one point of the day, and I basically digest 90%. I shit once in three days or so.

Probably like 8 months ago, was super hungover off of cheap whiskey

At home when I was sick. I farted and it sounded weird, and I felt something warm and liquid in my pants. Wasn't too bad. Grabbed a pair of shorts and underwear, went to the bathroom, wiped, and changed. Not too much brown stuff. Smelled awful.

I just remembered I posted it on Any Forums when it happened.

Not much else to say, when you get older your anus muscles get weaker and it's harder to withhold the septic from pouring if it starts coming.
I had just eaten fast food, don't remember from where, but I think it was BK.
Was with a friend, had finished the meal and watched a movie. When he starts thinking of leaving, he says "Getting late, I should be going. Did I forget something?"
And I thought it be hilarious to say "You forgot this" and so I shat my pants.
He laughed his ass off, before kindly leaving and allowing me to take a shower in shame.
Was basically like one of those showers scenes after being raped, where the guy just sits on the floor all depressed about life and where things went wrong.
That is my grim tale, but still I find this hilarious and very relatable

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when I was about 6 walking home from the bus stop... I can still feel the log sitting in my tighty whiteys, weighing them down

so you're saying you meant to shit your pants or it was supposed to be a fart? topkek either way

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