Srlsy Any Forums?

srlsy Any Forums?
Am I the only one who thinks this was staged?

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No, you're not the only idiot

Nope. The Oscars were/are dying, this was probably a publicity stunt to improve viewership in my opinion. You're not alone, user.


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It was clearly a setup but normies have been programmed since childhood to believe in the oversocialized nonsense

No, although I don't think Chris Rock or Will Smith were in on it. For them it was real, but the jokes were probably written to get a rise from someone.

I will totally watch the oscars again after this said… wait… no one?

Nope. That's why I really want this stunt to fuck him up. Will Smith is a violent man, an abuser, a beater. He needs to be cancelled

Then you are stupid. The fact it’s fake is all in wills reaction. If you look at it carefully his reaction and the slap are incongruent and forced escalation for viewership.


cant believe im saying this but im officaly disappointed in the lack of intelligence of average Any Forums users.

Just look at threads of b tards thinking is was real?

Not sure if nothing was planned, but the intensity of the slap was a bit too much to be staged

You know that's not what I meant, retard. The buzz around this is exactly what they wanted. It's not supposed to make the Oscars more appealing for the future, just meant to make this one a meme machine. Surely you don't doubt they'll find a way to make money off of this?

So one throws a fake slap that doesn't even connect, and the other reacts to a fake slap as if he got hit, but neither were in on it?

Fool, that slap and the f words were the selling point for “omg they wouldn’t script that”
They planned Janet Jackson’s tits at the Super Bowl.

It didn't even hit him
There is a reason that with all the cameras there filming from many angles, only one angle is shown, and its still obvious it doesn't actually hit him from that angle

dude it barely moved him, he didn't even have to recover

Anyone calling it staged has full blown autism. You can't read social cues to (nearly) save your life.

Never know. Could be staged, considering the jokes are pre-approved, but then again that would mean that Smith and Rock were better actors than I've seen

I really don't give a shit. People are going on saying It's staged because the "Oscars are failing and dropping in numbers" But incidents like this arent gonna change anything are they. Because people outside of this ego bubble don't give a flying fuck and that will never change.

the first black on black violence that made the news

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Keep my wife's cock out your fucking mouth!

It was staged as fuck.

they were both smiling after. even though I have mild autism (and have trouble with socializing), I know it was staged from this alone

yes, hollywood can't be this creative

This, chris looked genuinely disrespected, his face dropped. Motherfucker took it so as not to look like a bitch, didn't touch his face, even said "I could, ooh". Chris isn't a pushover, he wanted to bite back but was more dumbstruck than anything. By the incident alone I could probably see the angle of it being fake but it's the resulting correspondence that drove the nail home for me

Would the Jews bring violence and bad language to the Oscars for ratings….?

It wasn't he was crying afterwards and Will screaming from his seat was censored

Thats rather ironic considering chris knew it was coming. He literally leant forward and clenched his jaw in preparation for it
Your autism has blinded you