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2+2 = watermelonn

you will never be a woman


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Still more peaceful and socially acceptable way of life, because it’s a choice.
Meanwhile at the TRUMP Trailer Park in Mobile, Alabama…

Seems you've never been to Detroit

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Is that why NYC lost hundreds of thousands of people and they all moved to Texas and Florida?



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Where liberal capitalism has deindustrialized the place.
Poor whites and poor blacks have more in common than you want to believe. They hate Obama just as much as you

It's the same owners of the same gigantic town. Both pictures are slave camps.

Kill yourself, traitor.

City was built on the backs of Irish Catholics by ruthless conservative racist businessmen. Handed over to the Jews after the war and turned into a nigger shithole. Now a hollow front for international money laundering. Imagine NYC as the all white capitol of a true American empire. It would be beyond any sci-fi but we can’t have that now can we.

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New York is like South Africa now.
The White men that built the infrastructure are long gone so retards think the current population is responsible.

are you sure it was liberal capitalism, or was it government regulation and local policies that made it not profitable to continue with business there?

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poll taken febrtary 2021, 1 month of bidumb being in office, got anything more recent?


That's literally capitalism. Liberalism (specifically the outsourcing of capital and the labor force [via imperialism], neoliberalism) is what enables it.

Anarcho-capitalism is unworkable, and libertarianism is just the gentleman's version of that.

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Would unironically rather live in Appalachian shithole trailer than live in New Yak City, At least in shithole trailer the government will leave me alone most of the time, there's not too many shitty people around, and it's actually affordable.

So liberals are buildings and conservatives are one guy in front of a trailer?

I'll have you know, I identify as a sky scrapper. And you had damn well better respect my self identification!

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