I don't get it Any Forumsros. I'm 25 and I've spent the last 6 years doing everything right

I don't get it Any Forumsros. I'm 25 and I've spent the last 6 years doing everything right.
>Good job on my way to graduate school where I'll be making 130k starting
>Am wealthy in relation to others my age (200k+ semi liquid investments)
>Attractive face (imo)
>Workout regularly (still kinda dyel)
>Eat clean without being autistic
>Take supplements
>Have a side eBay seller business earning about 20-30k a year
>Loving father
>General sense that I'm liked amoung peers and coworkers
>Have hobbies: lock picking, guitar, played bass in a jazz band for a year or two, Vidya, guns, bouldering
>Have the greatest quality Rottweiler in America who's my best friend

Yet everyday I wake up, I still feel empty, souless, and border on getting my Mossberg and splattering my brains on the wall when I think of my brother who died when I was 18... Does it ever get any better? How do you guys find motivation to stay alive?

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I'm 21 and a virgin eith no car OR job

I'm 30, p much the same story. Traditional life is gay as hell.

Also gay, but write down what makes you smile and chase it.

thats a really cheezy life u have their user

How so? How can I change it?

Does it get better? No. It gets much, much worse.

If you're speaking from experience, why haven't you ended it? What keeps you getting out of bed?

yeah it gets better but you have to work at it

go to a therapist

figure out whats wrong with your brain

>loving father

kids will eat your soul away. it will get better when theyre out of the house

This requires a shit ton of listening. Get introspective and go for it. Listen to your soul on where to go next.

I don't have kids. My father is loving


Im going with chemical imbalance then. also, in case you forgot, we are going through a global pandemic. shit has been weird for the past 2 years. Doesn't seem unusual that people are fucked up.

Go find a therapist. Use the listings at Psychology Today to find someone in your area. It's going to feel corny and awkward at first but it helps. Even if it's venting about anything and everything for an hour to someone who honestly doesn't give a shit but also wont judge you or tell anyone your stupid secrets.

I'm not a father. I meant my father is loving

You don't list out shit you're passionate about like you just listed your attributes. You've done "everything" but have you done anything at all that YOU wanted to do? You've checked normie boxes. I'm in a similar position and it was a hard realization that success is not equal to happiness.

If you're not a total wack job you probably have a strong interest or hobby. Proceed further down that path. Those interests bring you joy. Explore that more deeply. Conversely, explore a lost or underdeveloped interest.

Happiness is not a recipe. We all suffer trauma (major and minor) that break down our innocence. We wall up what's real so it doesn't show and then forget what it looks and feels like. It's still there but you gotta retrace your steps.

Wish you the best. It gets better. It can almost always get better.

my motivation is smoking weed every day

Sounds like you just need a friend dawg

Based and true. Live life the best you can for you and your bro, Any Forumsro.

I didn´t know your brother but in my expert armchair Any Forums psychologist opinion, it sounds like you're overcompensating for his death.

Do any of your hobbies overlap? Not that it's a red flag on it's own but maybe you're forcing yourself to enjoy things he did.

Maybe i'm just projecting idk bro but it does get more tolerable once you face it head on and accept it, then it gets better. Just make sure you never forget him.

>It gets better. It can almost always get better.

user speaks truth

almost is the key word. if you let it get worse, it will. and that's deep fucking hole to dig yourself out of

I had Covid. Nearly died from it twice. On vent the first time.

Right before pandemic I left a decade plus relationship, bad timing to recover alone. Was an idiot, shouldn’t have left her for the younger model who I’m with now.

So I hear you man.

I did some drug therapy, DMT it cured me of my ptsd from being sick.

Low grade depression from lack of vitamin D too.

That helped me a lot. But yeah my life still feels off balance some, but far better than before.

Op here. I'm an ICU nurse so I know how traumatic your experiences have been. I'm sorry user. I'm glad you made it through

Heard dat. Work has been wearing me thin lately. The afternoon and evening mental calm is the soothing refuge I seek as soon as I wake up. Taking a sobriety break next week, need to reset.

He ain't wrong. OP, you got a good friendo? Do something challenging together. Challenge that bond, grow stronger.


Yeah check your drug based psychotherapy. It really helped me a ton. DMT can give you the answers to questions you didn’t even know to ask.

Why did you bring up your brother suddenly at the end of the post? What does he have to do with you? Expand on that