When you realized old age and death is inevitable, and existence is meaningless, what do you do ?

when you realized old age and death is inevitable, and existence is meaningless, what do you do ?

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Play video game
Look at leaf
Become happy
Realize that life is worth living even if it will end one day

Another way to look at it is to live your life to the fullest, since death and old age is inevitable. Why waste your only time alive?

Think more deeply about it.

Why does something have to eternal to be meaningful? Protip: it doesnt.

Meaning is ephemeral as are our lives, doesnt make them any less real or important to us now.

>Why waste your only time alive?
Instead of wasting your time being alive, you should spend your time dead!

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Being alive is more fun than being dead tho, granted you're not suicidal



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>old age and death is inevitable
>existence is meaningless
For you, obviously...

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Sex and drugs. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

I make music.


Create your own meaning and find happiness in it.

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There’s no meaning to life and existence, it’s the person that gives it meaning. If you deem it meaningless then so shall it be, but if you seek to give your time alive meaning then it will have meaning, it’s that simple. Of course there are a lot of things to factor like financial obstacles, or laws where you are that restricts you from doing certain things that you would want to do, but think in the long run if those obstacles were no longer in the way, would you truly find meaning and be happy? If yes, and it’s just not happening, then by all means, your life is yours to end however you see fit. But if it really doesn’t matter that much then use whatever time you do have and try to find meaning in other things instead that moves past what you originally would have wanted to do, if it still doesn’t work out, again, your life is yours however you choose to live or end it.

Had a kid, added a lot of meaning to my life
I don't really care about life needing meaning though
I'm pretty happy just existing, but I tell you having your own family does make life better

Wut I'm doing now. Drink more booze and smoke more pot.

The same of what she's doing

Sure old age and death are inevitable, that is what makes living worth it, you only have one go at it, so you better make it interesting.
Meaning is something you imbue into things user, not having inherent meaning means that you're free user, free to consider whatever you want as important and working on preserving and/or bettering it.

You accept the fact that you personally will probably not make a difference to humanity as a whole but perhaps your offspring might. You breed, raise them well and be satisfied knowing that your name lives on and might very well make a difference at some point. "society flourishes when old men plant trees who's shade they know they will never sit"

Live life to the full
Chat up and tease any female you want.
It's surprising how many times this will lead to sex even with teens, confidence is key

Buy and enjoy anything you can afford that takes your eye.

You know it will all end one day so why worry?

Treat the world around you as something to be discovered, it's amazing how much you missed as a child.

Every win no matter how small is still a win, enjoy them completely.

Stick fingers up to the world, sit back and watch it burn.

In refusing to seek or create meaning from this world, you will not find meaning. Seek the Lord, and you will find your way to discovering it for yourself, if you cannot find it alone. As one rather popular fellow once said, life is an eternal struggle. So will you struggle and fight for the pursuit of your dreams and true happiness? Or will you remain lethargic and idle, forfeiting your ability to change things? It all resides in you, you simply need to awaken it.

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Oh look, the religious vultures are out, trying to scavenge themselves a soul from the husk of desperate people.
That's so loving of you user....

Become a Buddha

>Oh look, the religious vultures are out, trying to scavenge themselves a soul from the husk of desperate people.
Relax, they are trying to help, don't be a dick. It doesn't help.