

Attached: Poobers.jpg (569x580, 118.46K)

nobody cares, log faggot, no matter how much you samefag your thread to convince yourself anyone cares, no matter how much you lie,
no wonder everyone says you're a sad little mentally ill homo

Please take your meds before you post. Thank you.

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You cared enough to post ONCE AGAIN, E. Medicate.

You're not you when you're hungry. Here, eat a Sixx-Skat

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Can we talk about the Ukrainian soldiers shooting the legs off POW's!? I personally think I is a much more pressing issue. Please share as much as you can on Reddit, Twitter and Instagram. Thanks guys!

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fuck off already newfag

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I've been here longer than you, E.

you're a discord faggot, you aren't part of Any Forums


Only E could be so unmedicated as to be able to reconcile a man not being a part of an imageboard with that same man also being behind literally every post his doesn't like therein. Jesus.

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Fear the log

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They're brown.

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poop eat

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