I just had another mental breakdown. why did I have to be born a short subhuman freak, this life is so unfair...

I just had another mental breakdown. why did I have to be born a short subhuman freak, this life is so unfair. It is so horrible to know that nobody will ever want you

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>It is so horrible to know that nobody will ever want you
It's kind of liberating, desu.

We always want what we don’t have. That love you speak of comes with a lifetime of negatives that far outweigh the positives. Just jerk off often, smoke weed, eat good food and play video games. Life with women is hell.

I don't need other people so I love my life.

none of us wanted to be born

My life still feels like a waste
I gave up on "love" long ago, I just don't want to be a virgin at least

the fuck a hooker for fuck sake. you end up paying for sex one way or the other just cut the bullshit part out and skip straight to the part you want.

if you smoke weed and are basically an incel sigma bro then this feels like it should be a no brainer.

the NPC including the background was a mask all this time

you could just be a trap bro

cartoon tv shows

Fuck off, faggot, don't encourage that mental illness.

You work with what you got, if you blame yourself for not growing more, you just gonna be more miserable down the road. Dont become fat, and find a hobby that even short people can do. Marry a midget so you feel like a giant.

with the self-help motivational bigotry

Does that socially count as not being a virgin though?
I think I shit on myself too much with the short part, I'm 6'1

what do you mean by ''socially virgin'' if you have not had sex you are a virgin, if you have had sex you are not a virgin. whether or not that makes you popular and you get invited to all the cool kid parties is fucking irrelevant.

Well that's great, I never cared about love or feelings anyway

>I never cared about love or feelings anyway

love comes from actually living with people and self-sacrifice. You'll never know love until you're willing to lose the best parts of you and still lose. Even knowing that doesn't make it simpler. You have to live life. This is why people would rather go for the make money, bang bitchs and smoke weed lifestyle. because its easier than actually having to give of yourself than just take.

that's not true, though

I have experienced it, and I can certainly say that love is just an illusion. It's a concept created by humans as a coping mechanism

What isn't?

Dude, I'm 6'4. Good looking. Great job. Prospects. Fucked many women. Popular. Women will never, ever be happy - had one gold digging cunt last year for example say 'you should get a range rover' to which I replied 'can you buy a range rover?' she said 'no', I said 'shut the fuck up then. Enjoy your life user, women are a waste of time.