Should I buy a house first or a new BMW first?

Should I buy a house first or a new BMW first?
I need a car but also want to stop renting. If I do the 3.5% FHA loan then it will be probably be $15K-20K for all house purchase expenses.
Or I can put that money towards down payment for a new BMW to keep my monthly payments to 36 months and still fairly low

Attached: which-one.jpg (1380x777, 269.17K)

>having a flashy car but still living with your mother
This is how niggers live.
>having your own place but compromising on transport
This is how humans live.


Fuck the BMW. Buy an expensive sports car so you don't look like a faggot.

Attached: jkkjk.jpg (738x477, 110.31K)

Normally I would recommend the house first but you want a BMW, so you obviously make bad decisions. Go with the car.

It will almost always be a better investment to buy a house, rather than a car.

fpbp. You can expect to pay almost half in mortgage what you would pay in rent plus the bit you pay that isn't interest goes towards equity. Of course you need to have some sort of maintenance skills or the ability to learn. So since you are asking the question OP maybe you should just keep blowing your money

Only an idiot buys a brand new car.
It loses a minimum of 50% of its value the instant you drive off the dealer's lot.
Your best bet is to get an ex company leased fleet car, as those have been dealer serviced throughout their lives. Do not buy an ex-hire car, as those will have been driven by idiots and have problems later on.
Use the money saved on your car payments to increase the amount you're saving for your house.

user, get the house, and get a civic or something. A BMW will cost you alot in maintenance fees once its past its warranty. A house will cost you maintenance too, but at least its a frigging house, and the property will eventually be yours if you decide to be there for that long. A car will only depreciate in value, the property could be worth alot more given time, and whatever you do to upgrade the place.

house, obviously, as nearly every user in this thread has stated unless they were deliberately joking

The house maintains equity, and even though you have to do repairs and maintain it and mow the lawn, you get something at the end, whereas the car is nearly worthless in 10 years and in a landfill somewhere in 20

One of these things has value, the other does not. Although I will say, the house will cost more and cost more to maintain

>3.5% loan
>$15K-20K for all house purchase expenses
what black magic tax scam is this?

-poor friend

most woman don't care about the house until they're ready to nest. you should like you're looking for some pussy. get that BMW chad. Get it and ride some bitches.

It's ok he probably lives in Detroit or Cleveland, houses are like $10.50 there

>living with your parents is bad
yeah op should go and get a big (((mortgage))) and pay those taxes asap

Never finance a depreciating asset. In 5 years the BMW is a used piece of shit. The housing market is kind of shady right now as well however. Houses could end up rapidly depreciating if inflation and interest rates continue upward. Bide your time, invest in assets with stable future, gold, silver, hookers, blow, etc.

What kind of bowel movement ends in a W?

The house is an asset. The car is a liability that depreciates 40% the second you drive it off the lot. When I invest money it's in assets. If you want an asset to drive buy a used car. Never by a new car. Who throws away cash on a liability?

>probably be $15K-20K for all house purchase expenses.


you'll need at least 200k

I think he's talking about furniture and whatnot. If you're frugal and a bit patient you can get lots of really good shit for dirt cheap on facebook marketplace. So many Stepford wives 'just want a change of color in the living room' so they sell 2 year old furniture for 5% of the price they paid for it.

There are a bunch of different fees that come with buying a house, outside of the purchase price. Realtor fees and closing costs are two of the big ones. That's most likely what he was talking about.

Asking whether or not you should buy a specific make of car vs just any old house should kinda nail it down for you. Not like you are asking between getting a new car, or a 2200 sq ft rach with detached pole barn in the back.

Do you understand what I am saying?