This is hand down the worst game I've ever played in my life...

This is hand down the worst game I've ever played in my life. I got it just because everybody kept harassing me to get it. After all it's a full priced game with actual content. I just uninstalled after and an hour and a half. SHIT FUCKING combat. Holy shit. You swing your fucking weapon and it gets stuck in cement. Muh it takes 100 shots to kill something unless you watch 30 JewTube videos and grind for 8 hours a day. Take the clunkiness of RDR2 and the bullet sponginess of Borderlands 2 on Op10, and that's what Elden Ring. I am not exaggerating. The menus are so ridiculous it's crazy. Numbers, numbers, numbers, words, words, words. There is no organization.
I've never uninstalled/got rid of a game so fast in my life.

Attached: Elden_Ring_Keyart45-1.jpg (1024x576, 149.16K)

Where is the hype? I just don't see it!

Was rdr2 that bad? I haven’t touched it and I’ve been avoiding spoilers like the plague, my PC can’t run it so I’m waiting.

Git gud fag

Don't forget the iframes

Obvious bait is obvious, but it will no doubt draw in the retards like a fly to shit

imagine being this new?

Actually on second thought I’m leaving this thread befor someone spoils it for me kek

>its not for me so its bad

Game for people who do nothing but play video games all day long

The game is pretty good and so is the story. But the controls are just so bad. There's a full of second of input lag with every action.
I've never engaged with Souls virgins ten 10 years ago on different sites because I never played Souls. There was no reason for me to argue. But now that I got a glimpse of your shitty outdated game design, it's no wonder you guys never defend your games with legitimate arguments. It's just insults and the same "git gud" catchphrase from years ago. It's crazy how you people crawled out of the woodwork with this game and never changed.

Defend your game. Souls virgin.
This is half true. The game has terrible menus and unresponsive controls. Two things that shouldnt be a problem in the current year.

as someone who bought into the hype I agree. I played it for a few days and stopped.

> bullet sponge
FUCK those games. I wish Fallout had less of it

All I can say is that if you haven't put in the effort to form a good understanding of how the game works, your opinion is invalid. The phrase 'get good' is thrown around for a reason. It's literally impossible to just jump in and enjoy these games without adapting to how everything works. It's not a hack and slash, every strike, roll and block is deliberate. You will get hit if you do any of these at the wrong time.

Watching my step-dad mash R1 in the new Assassin's Creed and not get his ass handed to him is pretty much how I expect new players to come into this game

That's what Elden Ring is. Hit an enemy a hundred times while he's able to 2 shot you regardless of your gear and level. People think this is good design.

Why would anyone waste their time with you if you have been filtered in the first fucking 10 min. If you don't like it then get a refund and shut up.

Every game I've ever played, I had no problem getting into and learning as I went. I've been playing CE for years and learned the spawns on my own for 2v2 just by playing. I didn't have to look up ten fucking videos and do homework just to enjoy a videogame. Why does the game throw a boss at you the second you're out in the world?
>oh wait you weren't supposed to fight that
>and you lost all your runes too!
How am I supposed to know any of that if somebody didn't tell me? It's shit design, dude.
I've yet to see a Souls virgin actually argue with someone. Quite a few times I've seen people ask for help or complain about something only for the same catchphrases to show up immediately. This game have you clowns confidence again when you were dormant for the longest time.

Attached: bait3.png (625x626, 71.96K)

mad cause bad

>I didn't have to look up ten fucking videos and do homework just to enjoy a videogame.
You don't have to do that hear. They just don't spoon feed it to you. The way that you learn it doesn't matter, when you know it you realise that it works really well

>gamefaqs Souls virgin waited years for this game so he can flaunt his ego on the internet
Annnd again.
What am I leaning? How to mash the dodge button? Because that's a only thing that works. Apparently PC users can't even play because of frame rate drops and unresponsiveness. If it's worse than console than there's no point.

Oh wait, you lose stamina in a game that vomits enemies and unreadable attacks at you. So you can't watch dodge.

Game runs great on PC. Only annoying issue is MP likes to disconnect a lot.