I was really hoping Obama would take the fall for the worst president in US history but whitey had to take that too

I was really hoping Obama would take the fall for the worst president in US history but whitey had to take that too.

Maybe the left appointment Biden to save Obama’s legacy.

I’m gonna coom and pass out, fuck you all!

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You mean Trump taking the worse preside t ever since they tried to impeach him twice.

He can’t believe a guy eating a pizza isn’t photoshop?

Obama elected because he was Kenyan
Biden ejected because he wasn’t trump and cheated

Both either underwhelmed, achieves nothing or just ran the country into the ground. Democrats run the US into the ground.

seethe in your dreams, ratfucker

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>twitter bullshit
stay on that garbage app faggot with the rest of the retards. charlie kirk is ready to regurgitate some fresh, already-chewed, bullshit

And failed both times.

i don't even like dump, but c'mon man.

Its goddamn pizza, not caviar
Tell that journalist loser to just go home and have daddy restart from day 1

that yes.. in every post, benji is in fact still a nigger

Is that trend innocent white people wrongly accused by liberals who went on to win anyway? Nice dubs, btw

bet that nigger cried "he dindu nuttin" when Fleorge Goyd got his neck stood on

kek. The most coddled and whining racial group that everyone hates including themselves.

>man was falsely accused of raping someone and the whole trial was televised, where msm continuously called him a rapist over and over, where he and his family were being harassed
>in a moment of weakness, he broke down into tears

>18 yo who defended himself had his name smeared across social media, where msm called him a white supremacist and harassed him, posted his family's information for people to harass him, where celebrities called for your death each and every night

"omg, men need to cry, its okay to show tears" "wait no, not like that"
kill yourself, faggot

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yea i can't understand.
>hey yall some felon got dead a few towns over, lets go burn down the convenience store where i get my newports and malt liquor.

>the worst president in US history
that title goes to this clown

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I aint clicking that you shit dick

can we really trust a president who eats pizza?

they're crying cause they realize this buck was already broken

>Obama would take the fall for the worst president
Barry continually polls as one of the most popular presidents years after his two terms.

still seething Ivan
Biden is killing that pizza
cope faggot

no he was impeached two times. cope faggot
next your going to tell me Clinton want impeached?

still seethin'

keep seethn Ivan
>cope faggot

being impreached twice isn't even possible

way to show you dont even know what impeached means

clearly you don't understand US law Ivan ...

Was Clinton impeached?

This little fucker is everywhere tonight. Give that 20 lb banhammer

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What's wrong with eating pizza?

I didn't like Clinton, he handed our manufacturing economy to the CCP and our media to the kikes.I didn't like Lil Dubya, got us into a whole lot of globohomo shit. I was slightly optimistic about Obama, but by his second term, it was just all lies. Trump was a good boy, saying the right things, but wasn't equal to the D.C. mind games and endless media attacks. But none of those presidents came even close to destroying the country, like Biden has. We are doomed. Only starvation and/or war, lie ahead.

>the left

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imagine being this buttblasted she lost

In Russia pizza is considered a western display of decadence the shill farm naturally assumes he's flaunting his riches because they live off of surplus beans from the cold war.

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