
what a dumb monkey

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die mad

I wish someone would ask jumanji jackson what the gender of the current VP is, I bet she'd know what a woman is then!

Lol. Cope.

Affirmative Action Jackson got owned by Ted Cruz again today. Hilarious stuff

go back

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It's all over the internet, comrade. She's replacing a lefty cuck, so it really doesn't matter if she gets in. The goal here is to show normies how insane and dishonest the left is.

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Something else that makes people mad for literally no reason. It is your time so whatever but damn if this isn't sad.


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>how insane and dishonest the left is
if you think the right is sane and honest, then you're a fucking dipshit

as opposed to how honest and morally pure the right is? sit down.

>fox news
you lost

Republicans are far from perfect, but dems are batshit insane.

lmao okay. fucking retard

She said that, word for word. She speaks to you like you're eight years old.

What thinking is this. They are public servants but you suck on a cock because it's got an R attached to it. Fuck both them why you are obsessed with one is beyond me.

This isn't politics anymore. Hasn't been for a long time. I'm honestly amazed it hasn't become open civil war.

pedo sympathizing ignorant dindu lookin ass

>far from perfect
neat story. tell me more about how the election was stolen.

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>Republicans are far from perfect

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Fake. They found 50K illegal votes for Biden, in one county. There's a long video of the complete presentation of their findings that you wont watch.

and thus the right wing retardation is revealed

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>They found 50K illegal votes for Biden
no they didnt

LOL imagine how old you would have to be to actually believe Ted Cruz owns anyone.


They did, it's on video. The leftist media response was the first guy I replied to, "LOL they actually found more votes for Biden, aren't the Nazis so stupid, comrades?"...

no they didnt

Turd Cruz is a retard, much like you

Lol I hate colors they’re ugly wish I was colorblind

the only thing on video is you eating shit out of my gaping anus

Humans are apes not monkeys, you ignorant dumbass.

You can't reason with NPCs
They literally can't think beyond their programming

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I post for lurkers. 99% of what the lefty cultists post, just makes them look bad, so...