In the board game go, there age more movement options on the board than there are atoms in the universe

In the board game go, there age more movement options on the board than there are atoms in the universe.

Why hasn't anyone developed a barcode data storage system modeled after the functions of Go?

Attached: go-board-game.jpg (2400x2400, 680.8K)

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Crazy that image kinda looked like a QR code for a second...

For me, it's Reversi.

Attached: reversi.jpg (1002x767, 84.94K)

The only reason they don't just play within the grid and instead on the vertices is bc to be different from wypipo.

Um. What is a QR code, Alex?

fpbp /thread

This pretty much.

No idea why you're comparing it to Go. The most efficient way to store information is simply going to be an encoding in some base, and with a mere 128 bits or so you already have more states encoded than atoms in the universe.
QR codes can hold hundreds or thousands of bits depending on their size and certainly can hold more than the restrictive properties of valid Go board arrangements.


>using 2 bits per entry

Because one must first install Gentoo.

Because Go's option space has n dimensions where n approaches infinity. It's not conducive to modelling in the computational spacetime of our computers.

It doesn't have to be. Reader could be using only few spaces at top for 2 bit, for program, then scale it for higher bit rates at later. You can even encode complex programs/images/videos/etc

The guy who invented QR codes was literally inspired by go which he would play on his lunch breaks.

Can give an example on how to implement what you said?

based japs

The standard en-coded inputs.

10 = I did not hit her
11 = Oh hi Mark

If the bits were flipped as white black, white white, that's ended words. There could be other bit modifiers that could change the reading of the bits, etc as well.

tbqh I understand 0 of what you tried to say but ok

Attached: gnu-go.jpg (2400x2400, 911.67K)

>he still believes in the atom

Anyone down for a game?

Attached: gnu-go-3-4.jpg (3840x2160, 677.08K)

I will never use a "QR code" or whatever that is due to my personal beliefs. I genuinely hate science.

Because you can't print animated barcodes on paper, and a sequence of moves is either an animation or an array of grids. Either way you'd store more data in less space with just a grid of dots of the same size. You'd still need to add error correction since cameras and image recognition aren't perfect, and some static features so a program can Recognize it Quickly. Then you need a name for this new barcode, maybe Quick Recognition. People can just call it QR for short.

>I will never use a "QR code" or whatever that is due to my personal beliefs. I genuinely hate science.
Yet you continue creating posts on some tech device and sending them to 4channel's servers through the internet. If you actually hated science like you say, you'd be traveling by horse and tending crops and livestock or something or the sort.