Ubuntu is the ultimate "it just works" distro and anyone shilling anything else just fell for a shitty meme

ubuntu is the ultimate "it just works" distro and anyone shilling anything else just fell for a shitty meme

Attached: Ubuntu_22.04_LTS_Jammy_Jellyfish.png (1280x720, 279.82K)

For me, it's Kubuntu.

Attached: 872px-Kubuntu_logo_and_wordmark.svg.png (872x170, 13.37K)


Attached: install_ubuntu.png (1910x934, 780.67K)

You mean, astralinux

sudo apt purge snapd

op wrong pic

Attached: Fedora_icon_(2021).svg.png (2089x2048, 92.08K)

no, I mean ubuntu

this but Xubuntu

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-25 at 20-38-15 Xubuntu.png (237x61, 8.97K)

>ubuntu is the ultimate "it just works" distro
No actually that's WIndows.

it never works. i Don't know how you faggots can shill ubuntu. they don't even care about the desktop anymore
upgrade never works, apt is a piece of shit go to white man distro red hat based

I use Arch, but I recommend PopOS to people because Canonical is a shitshow.

I use Fedora because the blue hat is very cool.

Newbs do not know about snaps and the like just give them an ubuntu iso

What is the advantage of Xubuntu over MX?

it's not a meme FrankenDebian distro

no distro of linux "just works" including ubuntu, but ubuntu is the least garbage linux distro

>T. macOS master race

Say it again

Attached: Debian.png (640x846, 43.85K)

both are solid
neither works very well


Attached: file.png (800x800, 96.99K)

Yeah kinda cool, except the left dock and top panel, it works somewhat ok on ultrawide 1440p, but on 1080p it takes too much space.

Linux Mint


Attached: file.jpg (1368x768, 89.79K)

It's ugly as fuck, I don't want my desktop looking like one of those toy computers

>macos just works
No. its resource heavy, battery requires replacement after 1-2 years ($400 where I live), it also overheats like a mf, performance gets shit with time.
>t. Ownes mabook airs in the past and now own 2 yo top of a line macbook pro (intel) and not shitty poorfag cope mb air.

Does it have pipewire installed out of the box yet?

Ubuntu is the best beginner distro, you should run it for a month at most until you realize there are much better options for you personally. It's a good starting point, but not the final destination.