I'm tired of electron shit on my desktop. Someone shill me a carbon copy of VSCode but based on qt or something, plz

I'm tired of electron shit on my desktop. Someone shill me a carbon copy of VSCode but based on qt or something, plz.
Good day sirs.

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but you should use neoovim desu

use vim. you don't need more.

you mean neovim

Qt creator

I hate using my keyboard while coding. Pass.
Does it actually not use electron?
Also what's the difference between neovim, vim, and vi?

>I hate using my keyboard while coding
Then you should try scratch

sublime text

neovim acts like vscode just by using the nvchad extension and comes with the usual stuff out of the box. js, php, css, etc... you can even open folders and tioggle a file tree lije you would on vscode.

or an on-screen keyboard

vscode is for fags. learn to use vim or doom emacs

Okay VScodium works perfectly. Thanks fren(s).

Imagine being this stupid. Vscodium is vscode just without the branding. Ie it is still electron.

>I hate using my keyboard while coding. Pass.


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>based on qt
just use Kate

Not everyone has 64GB ram and a gaming setup. Besides, vscod/ium is the only single electron app that has good performance. Other electron apps are pure trash.

Yes, but it doesn't require electron as a dependency.
I just don't want extra unnecessary packages on my system. Also apps should be designed to run natively. You shouldn't need copeware like electron just because you only know basic css and html.

>I just don't want extra unnecessary packages on my system. Also apps should be designed to run natively.

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Swahili kids want to talk to you.

Came here to post this.
I think me and Kate are going all the way.
She is a beautiful and loyal editor.

Is this a troll