So lets say your girlfriend was pregnant and you were 99% sure it was yours but there is a 1% chance its another guys...

So lets say your girlfriend was pregnant and you were 99% sure it was yours but there is a 1% chance its another guys would you want to know Any Forums? Or would you just want to assume it's yours? If she told you how would you react?

thoughts Any Forums?

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Want to know if it's mine and if it's not abort it.

yeah but you cant know for sure until its born lol.

if there was a way to know for sure before delivering it, i would user.

Who said you can't abort something that's alive?

i dont wanna abort. like at all. im just trying to decide if i should tell the guy who im 99% sure it belongs to that theres a 1% chance its not his.

how can it be 1/100 chance?
Did you fuck her 100 times in the weeks she got preggars and she still found time to cheat but only once?

Who cares, I’m fucking the kid anyway.

Found the troon

tell him you bastard
Messing around with another man's girl is bad enough, but letting him raise your bastard kid unawares is totally unforgivable.
if you have any honor at all you'll inform him

>how can it be 1/100 chance?

fucked a guy when i was on bc. a week later, went off bc, a week after that, fucked another guy. found out i was pregnant like a month later.

i dont think you get it user lol.

this. gays are groomers never fails.

and to add, i had an ultrasound like a week ago, and they told me i was 8 weeks. but i also read and people have told me that shit can be off by like a week or 5 days, and that after a dude goes in you, it can hit your egg like up to 5 days after.

Imagine getting pregnant and not knowing who it belongs to. KYS whore.

oh fuck off like u havent fucked around either

If my girl got pregnant and admitted to cheating in the past I don't care if it is 100% mine I am kicking that bitch to the curb and challenging the name on the birth certificate.

you should just kys, quick solution

instant redflag

we werent dating until after he knocked me up.

it was a hookup.

nah. im too pussy.

she shouldn't be pregnant because we aren't married yet, therefore she cheated and OP is a faggot

dna test, duh
I've done this with all my kids (3)
all 3 are mine

she is me and i am OP lol.

and i wanted to get married but i figured no guy would ever wanna marry me so i said fuck it. im not that pretty and i have a fucked up past so im not exactly marriage material and i decided i rather be a single mom than no mom at all so i was lke fuck it ill do it anyways, now the guy actually is my bf and said hes open to the idea of getting married since were having a kid together and tbh it terrifies me bc im always afraid ill fuck it up. hes prob outta my league and more than i deserve so

cant do that until after they born tho.

what im asking more is should i tell my bf theres a tiny chance its not his or not?

Fuck the kid, just to be sure

Pregnant tits with timestamp or gtfo.

If it's not your boyfriends, why not dump him and see if the other guy will be your boyfriend, and eventually husband?

ur gross and no one likes you

kys pedo

im only 8 weeks lol. i dont have pregnant anything yet.

because the other guy who theres a 1% chance it could be isnt husband material lol my bf is.

id have it tested, if it isnt mine i'd stab her in the face.

>should I try to reason with a pregnant woman
nigga you might be too retarded
even for Any Forums

>what im asking more is should i tell my bf theres a tiny chance its not his or not?

Absolutely. Why should he be cucked raising someone elses kid if it's not his? You're making him raise a kid that isn't his and depriving some guy of access to his kid.

u cant test it yet tho bc its not born yet so

i know. i do dumb shit. i always wanted a kid tho so

i guess im just afraid if i tell him theres a slight chance its not his he will leave me. thats all. and this is the first real relationship/bf ive had so i dont want him to leave.

>should i tell my bf theres a tiny chance its not his or not?
fuck no, you take it to the grave. Why hurt him like that. You're already lying anyway, why risk it. No gain from that.

if its the other guys, my bf will know 100% its not his.

>you fucked a nigger
even more of a reason to shut the fuck up
just be prepared for the kid not being his. Have a B plan. If the kid comes out the right color you forget about it forever

>just be prepared for the kid not being his. Have a B plan. If the kid comes out the right color you forget about it forever

yeah i mean if it comes out white then obv its my bfs. like i said im 99% sure its my bfs. i went and had an ultrasound and they told me how many weeks i am which would line up with when i had sex with my bf the first time, but also i read some shit online that even then the ultrasound can be off by like a week so like yeah, theres a small chance i got pregs when i fucked the guy before him (tho i was still on bc at the time).

im just terrified of like what if the baby comes out and its obv not his.