When will you fucking fools wake up? You chose this. Fuck Ukraine, Fuck Biden...

When will you fucking fools wake up? You chose this. Fuck Ukraine, Fuck Biden, and fuck all of you fucking worthless mutts who believe everything you’re told. You’re a pawn to them.

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what do you suggest we do?

actually the exact opposit will happen. Instead of more cenzorship and centralization the internet will become more decentralized with web 3

If they make the internet suck just stop going on the internet. Who cares. All you have to do is stop participating and you'll find life is enjoyable again

3 options:
a)raid UN headquarters and burn it down
b)raid Antartica, escape flat Earth
c)raid Area 51, for real this time

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a) not possible and won't do shit
b) are you retarded?
c) couple arrests, nothing happens

At least you’ll still have video games to live out your epic power fantasies instead of shitting up the internet with your lies and misdirections

Fucking right

(they)s & (them)s keep coming from russia propaganda. imagine being so russian that you try to convince scrubs to flip the world order just because you think you can only win when everyone else loses.

reminder he's a hitler youth just sayin'

See? Another brainwashed fool, Russia is a controlled country, we all know this, but we’re no different anymore, that’s what i’m trying to tell you, “Russian disinformation” is a lie 90% of the time, it’s another fucking buzzword for them to use to cover their mistakes. Almost Every news station in North America is state-funded no different than RT, do you not realize this? Now they censor you on the internet under the guise of “my private companies!!!” but it’s blatantly censorship, social media is the new propaganda station, you dont realize its all connected? now it’s not just social media, it’s the entire internet they’re trying to censor, they tell you what to believe, censor information they don’t want you to see, label it a lie and ban you even if there’s proof, wake up you fool, they’re lying about the ukraine situation, they literally have you fools advocating for ww3, wake up you sheep

How much is Russia paying you?


if you know so much, then what is the truth about ukraine?


Obedient pawn here, you can do nothing ivan, the west is preparing total gay assault for you

>blah everyone do something
to wake up is to do nothing, have any brilliant ideas what to do or just regular shitposting?

Zelensky wouldn’t remain neutral, he’s an entitled, war hungry fool, who wanted to acquire nuclear weapons, join nato, and broke the 2014 Minsk agreement that he and Putin were supposed to abide to.

Corporations and governments own the physical network
Whoever owns the cables decides who uses them, and how they get used

Everything's fine, nothing to worry about..

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everyone sleeps and OP is WOKE, must be generation thing


Fuck you. Please kill yourself.

someone needs to bash this faggots skull in.

he was like pre-world economic forumin in cologny near geneva before the actual event what's the point when conflicts of interest collide

If b/ gets better im all for it