[Serious] Why didn't Africa ever develop past a basic stone age?

[Serious] Why didn't Africa ever develop past a basic stone age?

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They appreciate the simpler life

but it did.

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lack of intelligence

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"A simpler life" for thousands of years? Doubt it

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They were waiting for the British

Because the whites fucking screwed us over.

but you destroyed what whites build in your countries.

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"The whites" didn't even know you mongrels existed 2000 years ago.

>[Serious] Why didn't Africa ever develop past a basic stone age?
Running after an antelope till it collapses from heat exhaustion is Africa's barrier to reproductive success

Can be completed with an IQ & forward thinking skills of a Chimpanzee

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and then many years later they destroyed in our country too.

Not true actually.


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Actually wrong, we used to rule over Egypt and the Ottoman empire.


Im not referring to the hood rats you americans are talking about, they may have black skin but they are so removed from true 'black culture' they may as well be a call themselves leftovers.

Of course it did. You're just a fucking retard so it's never even crossed your mind to broaden your conception of African history and look into the Songhai, the Mali and the Ethiopian Aksum, among several others.

A more appropriate question might be why did OP never develop past a basic stone age?

ITT: user forgets about ancient civilizations.

Who tf you calling mongrel? Neanderthal bitch
Blacks are the purest race you white motherfucker

This isnt me user, only a self hating black would feel the need to try and claim others history.

Because they didn't develop their IQ past that of a stone's.

Racist white motherfucker

black people also never formed the instinct to consider time keeping. it's a common thing that there's something called "black time", which means showing up whenever the fuck you want. even on celebrity sites, blacks will pick on blacks for being that way in the entertainment industry. the thing is, considering time and wanting to be on time is a concept they don't have. it's just not there. you can't teach it either. it would take thousands of years of caring for it to become an important conceptual symbol in their consciousness. this explains why they never managed things like organized work, etc. if they had felt a need to organize for farming, building, etc, they would have learned, over hundreds of generations, to care about what time it was.

they didn't. they're also missing a LOT more.

If you think Rome was the place to be, despite being a first worlder and hating it, reevaluate
Ancient Rome in spirit is a verbatim experience of America and any first world industrialized "civilized" nation.
Rome is the blueprint for what we call civilization, and always has been and will be an overflowing stew of repulsive personas. Outside of that it's a psychic machine that doesn't recognize life but instead numericals


Fuck your looping racebased dialogues
Fuck your redblu politics
Most importantly FUCK ROME for being the originator of shitciety

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Daddy chill!

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It did, in multiple iterations. Most histories don't acknowledge them, though, and modern colonialism is largely wiping out their traces.

Based Asian, what documentary or whatever is this from?

those aren't mutual exclusive

Alright, I can give a historical answer here.
First off, Africa is big. Really, really big. Unsurprisingly, good iron ore is difficult to find in abundance, especially considering the topographical differences, lush flora, and a near constant isolationist mindset from many African tribes.
There is great difficulty in taming African land--the sheer amount of fauna and a heavy rain season prevented permanent roads and made maintenance all but impossible in the pre-Industrial world.
In modern times, much of Africa is still based on a traditionalist mentality, due to familial culture, language niches, and nomadic populations, such as the Maasai.
It's still difficult to sustain large cities in landlocked regions, due to the environmental reasons above. Most thriving cities in Africa are on the coast due to the ability to import/export with the rest of the world.