What emotion do these eyes convey?

What emotion do these eyes convey?

Attached: A02A00F0-6387-4EEB-9507-4B09125CFE55.jpg (356x166, 13.82K)

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hopelessness, as in it is hopeless that any girl will hold eye contact with you

Emotion? Bugs don't have emotion. Only eyes with color can portray emotion.

She's Russian

Laura B

those eyes are seeking acceptance/approval

child's eyes, most likely a model, looking into camera, hoping the pose and expression is satisfactory for the photographer, possibly her mother

thats what I see anyway

>for the photographer, possibly her mother
More like for the millions of adult men

none. People with blackish, brown eyes are not human they're husks or soulless bodies.


Attached: 2fWwOBS0kj4.jpg (810x1080, 307.93K)

op is a fag btw

Attached: Chan Burauza.png (460x455, 378.11K)

OP is actually based though and you're all newfags if you don't recognize those eyes

the desperate need for a pussy whipping.

Attached: tumblr_necbpcIyj01tulnt8o1_500.gif (448x252, 1.62M)

Would even her least "suggestive" full pics get the thread yeeted?

post one and test it

Who is it

Actually, motiviation and ambition are entirely different things.

And, everyone has been warned about the dangers. Their parents. Sisters. Brothers. Everyone.

Motivation extends into the past. Ambition is, hopefully, extending into the future.

When motivated, a skater will skate when sad. When happy. When proud. Even when angry. When elated, to celebrate. When upset, to forget and to renew. That is motivation. When content, he skates. When upset. He skates. That is motivation.

Ambition is an aspiration extending towards the future. Hopefully, becomintg a professional skater. Hopefully, being applauded by a crowd. Hopefully, attracting a hoarde of women. When alone, he skates. When alone, he practices. And, when the winds turn and as he is now humilliated, he smashes his skateboard and never skates again.

We all know the sort of egomania that is associated with our concept of ambition. We all know of our personal routines that motivate us towards tomorrow, even when feeling terribly depressed.

Motivation and ambition are entirely different.

That is why Buddhist is precisely intent on eliminating all egomania and desire or ambition as it's primary enemies. At the same time, any Zen master will raise an eyebrow and congratulate you for skating, painting, or even eating in way that is "Zen". That is a real thing. And, they will scoff, scorn and even gag as they see you fretting your way with a skateboard, flaunting your own undue sense of unique solitude when reading, or nervously drawing in a frenetic and erratic manner, no matter how beautiful the painting may be, because those are all key signs of egomania. Neurosis. Fits of anger. Ego. Vanity. Superficial glamour forcibly imposing the paper-thin thread holding back a surging storm of anger. And, nervousness deprived of all soulful vitality. And, no matter how beautiful the drawing may be, such egomaniacs, otherwise

ok boomer

The eyes of someone with an extremely nice butt for her age

be, such egomaniacs, otherwise called artists, are always a moment away from surpassing the brink in death, destruction or some monumental castrophe.

It is always the same thing and it sounds terribly melodramatic and fascinating, as literature, but it is a painfully dreadful circumstance to abhorr when you see these catastrophes heading your way over, and over, and over away as a master of Zen who has attained a level of wisdom.

I personallty attended, unfortunately, Christian gatherings. As someone taking a part of Christianity in practice. And, although, to this day, I hate Christianity and everything that it does, stands for and promotes, the advise given by the Priests was notably wise. Orthodox in it's roots. That is, generally consisting of the same prelude; look, I hear of people's sins seven days a week, all year long. Just get on with it. Looking at your younger sister's developing breasts would get my scorn, your fantasies regarding those vixens in the gym don't matter to me. What is it? Job interests? Okay. Forget the world. Own your own sense of responsibility. Work hard. Quit worrying. And no, eating a pastry as a means of celebrating a day's of hard work ,everyday, doesn't make you a glutton (you idiot).

Every. Single. Priest.

In comparison, I will admit, that out of their own perimeter, Christian priests do fail to admit, to us non-Christians, that their own congregation suffers from a bad case of amnesia when failing to be pious, reverent, and dignified forms of civility. Which is, as simply done as it is simply said. It isn't hard. But, we all know why. The moment that you tell them that they are not behaving in a manner that is truly Chrsitian, they unleash a barrage of accusations labeling you as a son of Satan or threatening you with the police department.

Meaning, that motivation and ambition are notable factors.

I would think one of her pics from 15-17 would be fine, any from 13 under would be not so fine

Bitch hands typed this. A man wouldn't type so much bullshit

So pretty much any pic worth cumming to wouldn't be fine, great

Don't think I recognize just off the eyes

They tongued my anus

She's begging to be raped

it's like sunglasses behind the glasses that can be removed

I bet she's (pic) is Filipino.

The pe

rson that is motivate to be Christian wants to be Christian because Christianity meand dignity, innoscence. And a prosperity of all good things. For them and by them. While sin means filth, terror and evil. There is no choice to be made. Religion is positively pleasant and sin is something that is to be regarded as foul, unpleasant and miserable to tolerate. That is the mentality of a good Christian and you can find it described as such throughout the Bible.

I myself am not a Christian but do study and practice philosophy as a concet, interest and form of living.

And, as a citizen of the modern world, I can tell you for a fact that such is not the concept fo Christianity in the modern world. Normally, people belief that their religion is intolerable because it feels like privation. No sweets. No treats. No wine. No joy. And no luxuries. That is not at all the concept of religion. Even, Catholicism being the worst of it all as far as I am concerned. Down there with Islam. Even Catholics are clearly and obviously instructed by the words of Yeshua/Jesus who said to be merry, to drink wine, yes drink wine, to prosper and to fetch their own milk, herd their own sheeps and to multiply their talents/coins from 1 to 10 and 10 to 100 or that they would be casted into the fiery pits of hell. And yes, that is in the New Testament. And yes, Catholic Latin America looks like the fiery pits of hell. And yes, that is Catholicism. The most frugal of all religions as far as I am concerned.

Trolling this early in the day? What a loser.

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>take the fucking picture already

they come in pairs


But where the story falls apart is that you would be painfully remis to visit your brother's or sister's own grave, while being modest enough, as as Catholic, to leave an enormous bouquete of flowers. before departing, moderately depressed, before comforting yourself with a food that is adequate. A french eclair. Or, leaving a less luxurious and more frugal bouquete according to your means. And comforting your own depression with an ice cream cone. Naturally. Or, being subtle enough to leave a single , luxurious and yet tremendously cheap, rose at his or her grave. And, celebrating your visit or comforting yourself with your favorite drink from the grocery store. That is the general psychology of a normal, traditional and regular psychological effect in humans. You don't need to study clinical psychology to recognize it. You intuit it.

But, Catholics , Christians and humans overrall are not of the type to mourn. Certainly not in modern terms. Maybe, during the Victorian Age when being ravaged by a pack of wolves was a serious threat, perhaps only then being safe enough to visit a tomb was good enough of a reason to be happy when doing it. But, certainly not nowadays. It has been decades , now, since the modern funeral became a pathetic travesty and a joke. At best, replete with thousand dollar suits, cigarrettes, and ridiculous sized wreaths. At worst, filled with yawns.

I am a practicing a atheist and I am constantly preoccupied with death. When turning the knobs on the stove, I feel my pupils stressing and dilating with terror. Death. When driving, I feel my hands shaking as adrenaline surges and as my breath


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