Why do Americans sleep with clothes on?

Why do Americans sleep with clothes on?

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That’s tv shows.
I’ve never worn anything since I was a kid

You nasty animal, just asking to be raped by extraterrestrials

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Why does American eat only cheeseburger?

Sleeping naked is the best, so much more comfortable, along with the benefit of this I'll take some xeno cock or pussy if they're handing it out

sleeping naked is the way to go

Yeah but I get cum on my sheets if I do

america have a shoe inside why

Americans are disgusting creatures

aliens completely confused by clothing. dont know how to get pants off. were all those farmers they probed pantsless at the time?

Im muttmerican and never. I love sleepin nude.

Can a European or Asian person confirm that everyone in their continents sleep in the nude?

it's too cold otherwise

Use a blanket

Can confirm

Americans can’t afford those because they spend too much on junk food and healthcare

damn, we are savages

Because we have snakes, scorpions and spiders that crawl into your shoes so we we take them inside


Rent free

i think most americans sleep in either shorts or underwear. Personally i sleep in underwear usual
to avoid dick floppage, though sometimes i sleep naked. maybe it has to due with the fact that american culture is still heavily affected by puritan beliefs, though honestly i have no clue why