/OBSDG/ - OpenBASED general

Useful links

>why openbsd?
Because it's a true unix OS that works great out of the box and has a strict minimal codebase which makes sense. This makes a great OS for security as well as a minimal install you can build up and tweak to your liking.

>I heard it's slow
It was a while ago but the releases over the past years have brought many improvements and it's quite fast as a general purpose OS. Maybe not as good as linux on paper but for browsing, media and general stuff you can't notice.

>but muh cuck license
It's free software, who cares. Having a CoC like half of the stuff on linux is just as cucked.

>how is it compared to linux?
It's unix so it has the same feel. You can transfer most dotfiles over and they would work. Overall it's a very slim and lightweight operating system but it doesn't have the same funding as linux so hardware compatibility isn't as good.

A strong advantage over most distros and other BSDs is the man pages. OpenBSD has the best man pages period. You'll rarely have to search the internet to find how something works on your system.

>I heard it's not meant for desktop use
It ships with a modified xorg with a strong focus on security by default. It also includes sndio for sound. It's great both on server and desktop.

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reading the general template just screams to me that you bsdfags wish you were linux

Should I use OpenBSD instead of FreeBSD?


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kys troon

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depends, openbsd feels like the suckless version of other BSDs but if you're happy on freebsd then why switch?

all freebsd devs don't use freebsd

>programming for credit

>muh TruLy FreE aND LibRe LiceNSEs aRe CucK!
The freedom provided by the BSD developers is actually a reason to use BSD, retard. Unlike when developing for the Linux kernel of the SystemD OS, where distro developers have to pay lip service to Microsoft, Tencent Huawei, Xiaomi and other CPC organs, when you use BSD you can do whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't claim BSD itself (not your own product/solution)

Include the obligatory faq 14 section for retards who can't into configure storage

OpenCuck Licence


>no qca9377 drivers
in trash it goes

>works out of the box

Found the Edomite.

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Not true

You only use nix for its cool logo + waifu.

honestly is there a real usage for openbsd or is it just for nostalgiacucks?

its just like a more secure linux tgats slow and wuth way less stuff available.
router os.

Have sex