I have like 1 year bartending experience, but this place I want to work wants 5 years experience...

I have like 1 year bartending experience, but this place I want to work wants 5 years experience. What makes someone with 5 years experience look more experienced than 1 year? I know all the drinks and stuff.

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Just apply for it anyways, what’s the worse that can happen? Just pretend you’re the best at making blowjobs.
The drink, not sucking cocks tho i don’t doubt a second you might be good at it.

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they dont care how many years, they want you to be able to take an order if someone asks for it. Study the drinks and prove that you can remember them and know what you're doing. Most people ask for the same things, but sometimes some wiseass will also for an exotic drink, in which case you look up how to do it and then do it. If you can manage a busy bar, remember common drinks, and keep it clean and organized, they will hire you. Getting good at it takes time, practice, and little bit of book study/googling.

wanting 5 years experience is the kind of thing businesses say when they want to LOOK like they're hiring but they really don't want to have to pay another person when they already have fewer people doing the same amount of work

If needs be, make up a story about helping someone out cash in hand, you never did it in an official capacity, but you've been bartending a lot more than it shows on paper.

Define exotic drink

I make real good Espresso martinis, blueberry martinis, Cosmopolitans and sours.

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What is that I want it

You could always claim experience at a place they can't corroborate easily. Like in a different part of the country and/or out of business.
You should at least describe having worked at places similar to the one you're applying to because not all bars are alike. Some are slow, some are busy, some are meat markets, some are for the old farts in the neighborhood.

They want 5 years to see if you have a track record of mental wellness at the job. Anyone can hang on for one year, but maybe you're a schizo who's flying under the radar so far.

What I mean is tho, if you're working with someone with 5 years experience, and someone with 1 year, and they didn't tell you which is which, how would you be able to tell which one is the 5 year?

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Man, they do that to scare people like you away from the job. I went for a supervisor position and I beat out licensed clinicians who interviewed. They wanted "Masters level" on the job posting. I walked in to that interview, and knocked that shit right down the third base line. BASES LOADED! HOME RUN! Be the bartender in that interview, know your shit, and let them know why you would be the greatest bartender since Sam Malone. Or continue to work at the coke bar and risk getting shot or stabbed by some coked out skell motherfucker!

By asking them retard..

OK friend, what I'm asking for is how the one year xp person would convincingly pretend to be the five year xp person.

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Flat out lie. Places are desperate in hospitality. If you sound like you know what you are doing and have a pulse, you will get hired. If you are worried about it, get a burner, make a place up, and be your own reference.

Getting the job is one thing, how to actually look like I have 5 years experience instead of just 1?

Saying is half of doing. The only limitation would be not being old enough. If you are, fake your resume. Make up a previous employer with 4 other years of experience. Give a fake name of a manager (whom you answer as on your burner) at a made-up bar. Places come and go. Lot's of places didn't survive COVID. This is hard to check out. Some places are strictly cash under the table.

no. don't pretend. don't lie. just go in there and say, "Look, I'm as good as any 5-year person, and I'm here to show you!"

Depends on the place. I'll be clear about who I am. I'm not a bartender, but I've done high end BoH, and I used to be a liquor snob before I quit drinking.

Does this place want flare tending, hand carved ice cubes, deadass reliable eyeballed pours for $200 bottles, and the social grace to handle a drunkass millionaire who's being a little bitch? Places like this exist, and you don't want a hint of green on the bar tender who's handling the overflow.

just learn what you need, and lie (have them call some burner number of a family member who will lie)

I would add that this is not like faking experience with. school, bank, or hospital. These are highly regulated institutions with tight HR departments. Bars are a different story. Places come and go. The help is often short term. Yes they are licensed. But these places are often cash businesses. They do things like running two sets of books to reduce their reported income. If you are on the shadow book as an employee, you are a ghost, yet known to management, who would give you a good reference.