Anyone know what song this is? I can't find it after shazaming, googling lyrics and using google's song search

Anyone know what song this is? I can't find it after shazaming, googling lyrics and using google's song search.

I got it when trying to download Autechre's SIGN album. All the songs were replaced with other shit and this replaced esc desc.

$15 in BTC or ETH for whoever finds it. I'm a man of my word.

Attached: question-mark-1.jpg (370x386, 51.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thanks, i was going to let this die since no one seemed interested. It might be some shit with is good for some less commonly known songs.
I cant for the life of me figure out the lyrics.
Your video said the lyrics were.
"Every time I look at you I think about how much I wish I could about how much I could approach you."
I dont see an exact match.

i can't even find it on google. When you put something in quotes, it searches for that exact string but I'm out of luck with this one. Maybe I fucked up the lyrics in the middle but I'm pretty sure thats exactly what he said.


Google is kinda worthless and definitely evil. Stop using it is my suggestion.

and your wallet, sir?

Attached: hand-gesture-with-bitcoin-currency-symbol_1943005.jpg (1300x866, 93.03K)

Thats not the song...

no luck on any search engine, man.

Attached: brain-blast-thinking.gif (498x223, 856.48K)

About the only coherent thing I can hear is contact information. Maybe its a song that one of those apps can pick up. Professional music has embedded identifying audio humans are not meant to hear. An app hears the music and tells you what it is. There may even be an online browser version.

read op, i tried google and shazam already.

Is that what shazam does? Ok. Never heard of the google feature of listening to music.
I think you are out of luck.
Where did you first hear it?

Ignore this. Its late and im cold and tired.



Also forgot to mention that when i put it on Youtube, it didn't get ContentID'd :/

Welp ive got nothing and can barely hear any lyrics.
Should the obvious help if the download you used is associated with an account or site mods send them a message about the mix up and question them.
Like you said before its likely to be some highly obscure thing.

Right click the file to see if the composer put their name in. Open in VLC to see if the name at the top is different from the file name as it sometimes is. Those are the final two things I can think of beyond more lyric searching.

>send them a message about the mix up and question them.
it was just a troll, the old school limewire switcharoo. But i probably could find them since i save all the stuff about where I download music from. This is pretty good advice. Thanks.

Also, i checked the metadata already.

you better still be here, screenshot the (You) and I'll send 10 bucks. u can do cashapp if you want. btc or eth is good too.

Attached: hahahaha.png (1708x259, 24.17K)

This sounds suspiciously like it came from the old XLTronic community.
It's probably more than 10 years old.
No metadata?

I wasnt in it for the money. I am also strictly user. Soo I wouldnt want any money trail. Thanks though. A certainly wouldnt have objected to free money otherwise.