Why are you against building more nuclear power plants for generating electricity?

Why are you against building more nuclear power plants for generating electricity?

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im not because im not a retard


Because cheernobble bad, didn't you see the miniseries?

Give this man a girlfriend, he earned that much.

Same, just not in favour of building them near fault lines or communists

I did give a fuck

I'm not. Just don't build them on a fault-line, or coerce other countries to do so by dictating their energy policy through 'treaties.'

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I'm not- only Democrats are.

need a mommy gf who becames incredibly wet when men aren't against building nuclear power plants.

Because I want to live in a mud pit and roll around like a worm.

Because incompetence is on the rise

I'm not against nuclear power.

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Absolutely based

Environmental scientist here, I'm all for it. Seriously the world should have gone gung ho for max production of SMRs at least ten years ago. At this point climate is the least of the reasons to do so. Just think if we were ten year ahead on that project we could much more easily tell Putin to keep his oil and go fuck himself. As it is the world is hurting each time they get a tank of gas

Because I like war. It's fun to watch the weapons, the ships, planes, etc. IDGAF about people, so fuck it. Entertain me, God damn it. As long as we need oil, and the people of the Middle East are all about religion, then war will never end.

Fuck yeah!

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But you're losing this war :o

basically this
Thorium-based reactors are the future cuz of how fukken safe they are
they just need to stop building them in shitholes, 3rd world countries and places with earthquakes

Yall acting like chernobyl never happened

Electricity needs to become decentralized.
Reliance upon power plants is used to coerce the people and deprive them of their wealth.

Still don't give a shit. I'm past military age, no one is capable of invading the US directly, therefore, why should I care. I just want to see more shit being blown up by high tech weapons.

>Because I like war.

Go fuck yourself.

No it's precisely the opposite, we are acting like we learned never to cheap out on nuclear power, the plants these days are nothing like Chernobyl. Fukushima had ONE death and it was due to an earthquake 100 times more powerful than a 7.0

We all have to find our entertainment somewhere. War footage and machinery is mine.

Because it never actually pays itself off. It cost billions to build, billions to run, and billions to care for the waste. It is fucking garbage.