I went on a drinking binge for 4 days and ddrank a handle of everclear

I went on a drinking binge for 4 days and ddrank a handle of everclear
it's been 3 days since and I still feel mentally impaired
did I permanently damage my brain that bad? I legit do something and then forget what I just did

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bump, there has to be a former alcoholic on Any Forums of all places who can answer me

you should be fine.

just gonna take a week or a month?
I had seizures as a kid and that is the closest thing I can put some of this too

you will be fine. but don't make this a habit retard.

No you will come right eventually, the reason why you feel the way you do is because your body is still in shock and trying to recover. It takes years of heavy drinking to do permanent damage however if you have health problems that you know of or unaware of then this time shortens. I'd assume that you drank fuck all water while on a binge, not a good idea. Alcohol dehydrates the body like you won't believe and this creates stress on your vital organs. My advice is for you to drink nothing but water and eat light for the rest of the week, if you get worse or remain the same after 1 week, I would strongly recommend you see your doctor. Don't ever do stupid shit like this again, medical professionals always say drink in moderation for a good REASON.

It depends on a lot of factors (age, weight, habits) my only advice for you is to keep yourself hydrated, do some mild exercise so you can sweat out all that garbage and eat fiber. boiled eggs with a pinch of salt and bananas can work too. I dont know about multi vitamins but they can't hurt. other than that don't worry too much about it.

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ya thinking I won't drink for a couple months and try to get other things in order
thank though user
yes user, thank you, been eating normal foods, meat, vegetables, rice, some bread and drinking water
will do user, thanks

Lol I used to drink everclear all the time but I have never bought a handle of it. Most often was a 200ml for a work night when I was at my worst. You should just feel lucky to be alive at this point. Maybe after a month of being sober you might get back to normal. You probably should drink a few beers for the next few nights just to taper off a bit before going cold turkey.

lifelong drunk here...

no, but if you prolong it you will continue to black out. there are serious effects, but they take time.

your digestive system will fuck up, lots of diarrhea, heart burn, over night dry mouth, dental issues, and the black outs.

you will get hooked, won't be able to sleep without it. never a good night sleep, wake up once your sober unable to fall back asleep.

but hey, you get to get drunk! cheers!

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it's been 3 days already, I have a bit of shit around I could have just a bit of and then would be out so couldn't even get more anyway
should I?

>won't be able to sleep without it. never a good night sleep
That was by far the absolute worst part of finally drying out for me. I went 6 DAYS without sleeping. Never mind the cold sweats and the feeling of ants crawling on my skin going that long without sleep is literally a nightmare while being awake.

i bought a case and made shine with it, basically put a bunch in a huge pot with a bunch of sugar and set it as low as possible for like 10 hours, tossed a little juice in. the stuff was knock out juice, you'd never know you were sipping something 150 proof

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i had seizures, but they were alcohol related. not sure about your case, but mine eventually stopped.

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says the sober guy...

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good logic, i try to drink at least a gallon of water a day before coming home to the bottle, the dry mouth thing is such a pain in the ass to wake up to.

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dude... let me tell you... new years back whenever i was like "no skip year" ... drunk every night

skip to december, doing at least a 1/4 gallon vodka a night...

wake up sat morning, pickup a 1/2 gallon

wake up mon morning after crazy hell dream

no recollection of sat/sun

okay... maybe a skip day

mon night no sleep
tue no sleep
wed really zoning the fuck out no sleep
thur wtf psychotic break down
fri hospital

ask nurse why no ones told me whats going on, been here a few hours

"user, you've been here a few days, you almost died from alcohol withdrawl"

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If it's been three days you are out of the shitzone. Drinking more would just set you up for more suffering at this point. Nevermind the suffering of finishing your drink and not having any more.
You probably evaporated a lot of alcohol there it evaporates at 76 Celsius. What I used to do was get a slushie at the convenience store next door and put that 200ml in there. That way I wouldn't have to get up to mix a second drink and it would stay cold.

No, no permanent damage unless you keep doing it. Restore your body salts, don't just drink water. Also, eat. You just have a hangover flue. It will pass in a day or two. Don't worry and don't be a jew.

Sorry, last part was only because it rhymed.

>76 Celsius

lowest setting on an electric burner, hot enough to melt the sugar, but no 176 degrees.

sorry, us fag here, maybe i'll learn real math one day...

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Yeah, maybe not do that again?


and yeah, don't get me wrong, i'm still drinking vodka, but i do attempt to limit myself....

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