Is it slow?

Is it slow?

Attached: firefox.png (2400x1260, 446.26K)

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It's very fast.
Faster than tranny death rate.


On desktop it's like other browsers, more or less. On Android it sucks donkey balls.

but it lets you add EXTENSIONS on android

1) Install Firefox Nightly for Android
2) Set gfx.webrender.all to true in about:config (force enables full gpu rendering, increases speed and battery life)
3) Install the uBlock Origin extension
4) Restart the app

Does it get as fast as Bromite?

It is
Brave is much snappier

Will try thx

Yes, but there isn't better option

Ok I tried and it is actually faster but still not as fast as Brave/Bromite. Also ublock origin doesn't block all ads, don't know why. Maybe it's because it's nightly.

Webrender is already enabled in stable check about:support
youre just seeing placebo or just clean the cache

Compared to better alternatives? Yes

As always we need to have a tranny-obsessed chud posting completely fake information

Attached: 1642175776625.png (3840x2100, 218.29K)

>falling for turdfox propaganda
It's slow and always was, there is no nightly that will fix this, only way they can makr it faster is too nuke it and start from scratch, because whole architecture of Firefox is bad

Tor is better you fucking imbecile.

>NSA honeypot is better
LMAO, never go full retard

Firefox and Tor are two different things


>I'll use the browser supported by Google and Microsoft, who are definitely not pozzed at all!
shut up fag, Firefox or die

Elinks, links2?

Not as slow as Google Chrome