Be me

>be me
>think gf is really cool
>first gf who's down to just say "nigger" and other racist shit
>start talking about trans people
>tells me that she doesn't think that wanting to chop your dick off, chop your tits off, or graft a new dick onto you from a chunk out of your leg is mental illness
Maybe I've been on this site too long but pretty sure body mutilation falls under mental illness

Attached: housegif.gif (335x242, 994.5K)

Women are mentally ill themselves so are accepting of crazy behavior.

>t. edgy teen: the post

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ITT: OMG, another person doesn't share my thought, must be mental.

Don't think she's mental but I'm a little concerned that getting these kinds of procedures done is becoming normalised, I guess

That’s is weird, being legitimately racist, but being sympathetic to the trans thing. Two things you wouldn’t think go together

>not wanting people to mutilate their bodies is edgy

Not sure it's sympathetic to encourage body mutilation as opposed to getting these people actual help

You seem to have a lot of contact with trannies. Is this "gf" really a he?

Attached: 1642576246463.png (865x842, 962.51K)

She doesn't have a lot of mates
Don't care much that we disagree, just surprised me

>body mutilation
its not just body mutilation, if a woman gets breast reduction surgery because they are too big and is a hindrance in their life are they mentally ill? If a trans person goes through day by day looking at their giant fat cock they will probably experience a bit of hindrance in their life as well and could just get it cut off, its pretty simple.

Would argue that a physical there's a difference to getting breast reduction for health reasons and chopping off you're dick cause you think you're not the right sex

I mean if you already accept that at least THEY think they aren't the right sex you also have to admit they also may be affected by that don't you think? I think mental health is pretty important as well I dont think thats a controversial opinion

Yeah, that's my point
Thinking you aren't the right sex is a mental illness
Wanting to then remove/add genitals that you weren't born with is part of that mental illness

If you expect to have a life together, you better get your political relationship with her in order, or you're going to end up miserable.

Don't you think removing or adding genitals are part of getting better? If they are experiencing less of a hindrance in life whats so wrong about them making the free decision to do that?

Also lets say a woman feels more masculine because she has tiny breasts and this makes her insecure, she gets a boob job to make them wayy bigger and feels more feminine now because of it curing a big hinderance in life.

Oh, nah
I'm not overly stressed about it. It's the only thing we've disagreed on and we were both kinda just like "Aight, no worries"
No, I don't. You *aren't* a man or a woman just cause you say you are. Studies have shown that suicide rates pre and post op are pretty consistent. I wouldn't advise an anorexic person to avoid eating just cause they feel better being skinny

Same logic applies to body builders who continuously feel "small". I'd say those fall under body dysmorphia, a mental illness
Having bigger tits doesn't make you more feminine. Notice how you said "feel"

It’s straight up contradictory to biology and natural human evolution and it’s a weird method of treatment. I feel like it’s our societal age version of lobotomy and other “treatments.” Idk human psychology is weird man, everyone’s ill in their own way

Just as a note: I'm not saying these people shouldn't do it. I'm just saying that I think it's a mental illness.
I'm circumcised, no real benefits aside from an aesthetic benefit. Procedure like that probably falls somewhere on the lower end of the scale under body dysmorphia
Just as an example

You don't really have to agree that "You *aren't* a man or a woman just cause you say you are" but you have to agree that it is still affecting their lives.

Also idk what info wars study you are getting this from but that isn't true at all, a trans person who looks more like how they feel are way less likely going to experience gender dysphoria.

The anorexic comparison made no sense because sex reassignment surgery isn't show to be unhealthy and non beneficial.

Basically the point I was making to her. I'm not trying to attack these people but yeah, it's extremely atypical and I'm not sure that proceeding with such treatments is beneficial