Why is everything so broken in KDE?

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stop using DEs, nigger
>captcha KDETV

Oh look, it's a troonix tranny with troon WMs thinking xer is avoiding a problem by using intentionally gimped software with even less functionality yet somehow more breakage

Mainly because of bad GTK support. I'd recommend just moving on to Cinnamon like any adult white man should.

>no Wayland support
>never updated
>Mint (shit) dev team

I dont use KDE, whats wrong? I dont get it?

I love cinnamon but you have to recognise its literally GNOME + extensions. You can have the same thing with dash to panel + Arcmenu

the only annoying bug for me, that never seems to get fixed is random windows no longer refreshing after awhile, but still responding to input. So you either have to restart them or kwin

>Shitty application devs forgot to implement the icon correctly, that means the DE is broken
Fuck off gnomefag

Kind of true, but I prefer the cinnamon settings menu etc.

What's a "Wayland"? I'm on novideo btw.
In all seriousness though, as long as the DE is properly implemented I see no reason to bicker over display servers. And Cinnamon is never updated because it doesn't need it.

>>captcha KDETV
oh sheeeiiittt is this something like netflix but with dinosaur anime? lol

I have more than one monitor so Wayland is a necessity. That means I exclusively have to use GNOME.

Why do you shill these threads continously? People know KDE is good, you are not accomplishing anything.

nice meme kfaggot.

Strange. I'm on X11 because novideo and my strange setup (1920x1080@144 + 1080x1920@60 + 1280x1024@60) works just fine. The only problem I had was the jankiness of KDE but Cinnamon is smooth as butter.

>nice meme kfaggot.
You can cope as much as you want user. At the end of the day it's gonna be me who's able to actually enjoy his DE and turn off my PC with the click of a single button from my couch

x11 is an arcane piece of garbage from the old days and can freeze if you sneeze to hard. Wayland can be uber based if it was implemented more, but noone does

yeh i tried wayland on kde and last about 6 hours
..maybe when i have an amd gpu

By the way I was always wondering how can you select an item from multiple search results on gnome using keyboard? Like can you navigate with arrow keys because when I was using gnome in my case it wasn’t possible

kde is the firefox of desktop enviroments

What is gnome then?
Because Windows is clearly chrome and MacOS Safari

chrome obviously
all competitors are essentially gnome while kde is an actual alternative