Why is this shit such fucking bloatware that its always on a blank screen when i open it...

why is this shit such fucking bloatware that its always on a blank screen when i open it, its actual fucking aids and the programmers who make these shitty programs that eat resources should kill themselves

Attached: steam_stats.jpg (1400x1400, 91.89K)

to encourage to give your money to the jews
all hail gaben

It's an Electron-based web-application what did you expect? It's been like that for what? 3 years now?

Its one of the few cases in which electron is justified as its basically a web browser for games

this is what you get for supporting chrome. stop using chromium-based browsers.

If you have potato pc, just don't install it
if you want to play gaymes, just pirate it
if you want to appreciate the dev, buy the game on steam website and play the pirated version

>buy the game on steam and play the crypto mining version

you're both retarded

Who here -no-shortcut chad, to use the old UI?

>the crypto mining version
paypig cope

it's basically electron before that existed
if any program could benefit from being rewritten with electron, it's steam

>his computer connected to internet all the times

View -> small mode -> sort by recent

Simple as

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-06-25 07-28-01.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Man when did Any Forums get so compromised they defend steam? Modern pc users are so mindless. I deleted my steam a long time ago

is this why if someone uses amination on their profiles my cpu literally sky rockets in usage and scrolling becomes sluggish? 2013 redesign was a mistake. i miss old steam

my windows machine where i do games is perma offline actually. so if anyone sees im online it's 100% chance im connecting from linux as i use it for literally everything besides games

>the bible
>gtav, skyrim, etc
what is it with 16-20-something year old tradcath LARPers these days? the devil makes work for idle hands, you should be working instead of playing demonic video games.

I did it for the (You)s. And I'm not some disgusting papist, I'm a Lutheran confirmed in the state church of my nordic country and always will be. Faith alone my n word.

i don't think thats any better, user

religion is only anoyher form of control against chaos anyway, so whatever man. you do you, hope it helps comfort you against the inevitable stagnation and sterilisation of our race.

Steam is not Electron, its CEF

I don't really care what (You) think, I care what He thinks. Especially considering your profane perspective.