Spotify creates playlists in public mode by default

>Spotify creates playlists in public mode by default

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Dumb frogposter. What exactly does that have to do with history & humanities?

>using spotify
thats kinda cringe fr no cap

Which other streaming music service should I use? I would love one with less retarded features.

>mfw too boomer to even use playlistrs and have 500 songs in "liked"

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apple u retard

literally nobody cares about your musical taste, online or otherwise

How else will they train their ML models?

download your music you fucking idiot
private or public it's still going to train using whatever data it can

yeah let me just manage 50GB across all my devices and spend my time finding downloads for new songs. no one does this anymore and if they do they are probably on the spectrum

Just use an SD C--oh wait, those don't exist anymore

frog not proud of their music choices

literally every modern Android phone supports USB 3+ and 50 GB of flash storage is cheap if you're not a third-worlder
finding high quality tracks is time consuming though

keep it all on one device. I have close to 500gb on a PMP the size of my thumb, and only use that for music.

>finding high quality tracks is time consuming though

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>paying money to rent music

Zoomers are so fucking grim

>which streaming service
none, nigger

Oh noes
people know I listen to 140
am scurred of being judged for musical tastes

Who even uses these services? I just use newpipe on phone and yt-dlp on desktop to download music from YouTube

spotify is free as in free beer to use and ublock takes care of the ads

you're even more poo loo than spotify users

>Only 500