If you want to harm students of color. kys

If you want to harm students of color. kys

Attached: efusok.jpg (500x460, 81.4K)

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Still find it funny that America says Math like it is a singular thing, when it is short for Mathematics, notice it is plural.

Stupid yank shit is stupid.

They can't even spell correctly either, and then they did the same to Latin.

Why don't they just take the racism out of math and English?

OP is a jealous fag. I make more money than 95% of white broke bois, lol eat shit, stay mad

our civilization no longer deserves reading, writing or math.
let us become dumb mindless consuming animals.
we wished to become half-conscious comfortable domesticated pigs and that is what we have become. abolish math, abolish writing, abolish music and poetry as well.

Attached: download (1)3.jpg (194x259, 8.36K)

Trying ti xonvince yasself wipipo?

I think the LARP board is somewhere else.

Yes but a person who studies math is a Mathematician not a Mathsematition
>get fucked Brit Bong

Nah... Any Forums is definitely the top LARPing board.

Pedantic much. KEK

How is this not straight out of Brave New World? It's like they aren't even trying.

Reading, writing, and math are the basics of knowledge required for civilization. No wonder the niggers have trouble with them.

Go fix your busted teeth, limey.

Reading, Writing?
Don't you mean Literacy?
Kids call it Reading and Writing.

My teeth are fine, thanks for showing that you believe memes and misinformation, because of your ignorance.

Seethe some more and project again.

I was speaking basics, just as kids are taught. It was even called the "three R's" at one point-- Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmatic.
If you choose to be a total jackass, pick out some twit like yourself, nigger.

So that just leaves history class I guess?

>points out a true fact
>watches them get angry
>posts seething reply
>"called the three Rs" - sounds like a hilly billy redneck sentence

If you can't take criticism, don't give it out in the first place.

If you can't read, history doesn't work, either. I guess that leaves gym class.

The best is when High School testing proves in the cities that some are still at grade school level in english/math along with other subjects. Yet they gave them a diploma anyways and even pushed it further with the covid graduations. Anyone ages of 17-21 from the cities are not really a concern in the job market if there is any sort of real work involved.

>>points out a true fact
>>watches them get angry
>>posts seething reply
>>>"called the three Rs" - sounds like a hilly billy redneck sentence
lol, read some history, nigger.

Attached: Tonnus.jpg (448x301, 38.62K)