Pick two to spend your entire evening with!

Pick two to spend your entire evening with!

You can only pick 2.

And yes the girl is free of any STDs.

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first the nigger, than drinking myself almost to death. 3 bottles of wiskey

dubs and OP gets nothing

I’ll take the ecstasy and marijuana.

The nigger can go back to Africa.

I pick the black girl, and another black girl.


Cocaine and booze

i choose cocaine twice

1. 12gauge Shotgun
2. one 12gauge shell

Weed & Whore everytime.

It'd be a coin toss between the nigress and weed or a double dose of ecstasy out on the town.

Alcohol would be boring
Girl would be fun
MDMA can be fun, although, chances of X-dick which can be frustrating.
Assuming the coke is high grade, it's the obvious choice.
weed is meh

Coke & Girl is the only choice.

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this is the niggers choice.
you'd rather be a drug user than own your own slave girl for the night.

what is sex on coke like?

girl and weed or weed and mdma/booze


sex on MDMA is good too, but i've had a few times where too much of a god thing has just become frustrating, never had that on coke, everything is sharper, you're more up, happy and funloving, and generally just more intense.

so you're going to be fucking the shit out of her. ragdoll mode?

Weed and booze is already how I spend my friday nights. Ill stick with what I know.

in between bouts of fun while the refractory period takes over, doing lines, listening to music, talking, her sucking your balls.

sounds like an incredible time.