I look at all the wildly successful people with some form of autism, including aspergers...

I look at all the wildly successful people with some form of autism, including aspergers, and I have to wonder: are autists the master race

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You look at only the successful people with autism?

You might have autism bud.

You mean am I a member of the autistic master race? Yes I am


I think of autism as more like giving up the social skills to accommodate other skills, like mechanical ability. The brain can only do so much.

Only autist I know is a selfish asshole

Why do you feel entitled to his stuff?

I know 1 official autist. His family cut ties with hum cuz he’s a fucking loon.

Autists get fucked

If Elon Musk has autism, it's extremely mild and it has never impacted his ability to function.

He came out as having aspergers and as anyone that knows him will tell you he's a pretty huge asshole

But do you have more money and influence than he does?

you're sick and stupid

I dunno, I have the tism, a much higher than average IQ and a job stocking shelves at a grocery store.
For every successful person with the tism, there are a hundreds of us that don't even get near to something like that.

people with aspergers have one key advantage over the rest - they're less conformist. Which is not always an advantage. It's an advantage when they're right, but a complete failure when they're wrong. Conformism keeps people near the center of the distribution.

Okay? Being an asshole doesn't mean lack of function.

>people with some form of autism
He thinks he's people, how cute.

What sort of retardation do you have?
I mean you're kicking at people who are already on the ground to boost your own self esteem, so it must be a doozy.

too autistic for empathy, so they shread through capitalism like a star athlete

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>smarter (generally)
>tard strength
>physically annoyed by things being wrong
>literally incapable of comprehending bullshit human games like small talk and emotions
>can read something once and remember that shit verbatim forever
>infinite interests and hobbies because they don't give a shit that others don't like certain things
>bonus points if asian or another culture that finds eye contact and eating loudly disrespectful
>manipulative scenarios like business meetings and poker are based on facts and numbers because they're literally too socially inept to take the bait that was put down
>heightened imagination, the precise opposite of an NPC
you might be onto something op

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Since most people have autism nowadays that's not surprising

And that is why college is built around conformity, not actually how smart you are. Only the complaint drones succeed. When you're an autist, you have to make things happen on your own, like with a business.

Autists can't play the social game of getting through college, so they drop out. School work is geared around women, with lots of busy-work to boost their grades, and at the same time it helps to justify the make-work jobs of the female teachers. It's all a scam.