As a member of the LGBTQ+ community...

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I think that child pornography should be legal and I don't understand why it was made illegal in the first place.

Attached: MAPs_Flag.jpg (850x550, 17.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Seems legit.

Because kids cannot consent, and this forced sexual experience will have traumatising effect on them. Grown up, they'll never trust another person to touch them, or hate when someone does.

Fantasising or drawings is one thing, actual children is another. In fact, most people don't reach emotional maturity until their 20s, so they shouldn't trust their hormones and older people shouldn't take advantage of that.

>Because kids cannot consent, and this forced sexual experience will have traumatising effect on them. Grown up, they'll never trust another person to touch them, or hate when someone does.
I heard that this theory was debunked though. Like it's just hateful rhetoric to demonize child sex basically.

Aww, fuck off, trouble stirring false-flagger.

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Go for it, we need more fuel to destroy the LGBTQ.

kys baitnigger


>obvious b8 is obvious

Hey OP, give me your mailing address, I'm sure I could send you some good material.

935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20535

Literally all of history refutes your retardation.
Quit drinking the koolaid and form your own thoughts instead of repeating a script.

Legalize cunny!

Yeah but its still fun watching the spergs go haywire when group think gets disrupted.

Well, it wasn't. And if it was, it was by using arguments that only looked at it from one side.
Children are very, very stupid. They don't have enough physical experience with their bodies to know what's being done to them. And they definitely don't have the emotional maturity to accept or decline what's being done to them.
Adults with more knowledge and more power, especially parents since they have complete power over their children, can force themselves onto them. And children, since they're completely dependent on their parents, can't say no, or they fear they'll face worse consequences.
Teenagers are worse, since they now know what it all is, but their body is undergoing huge physical and emotional changes. These are confusing times, and if someone like an adult takes advantage of this confusion, they're still taking advantage of them.
Ask yourself: have you ever done something when you were teens that you'd hate for everyone to find out?

So you're a MAP. And you want to be accepted as LGBTQ. You like the troons have psychological dissorder and acceptance is not going to help you. Death works for the troons though.

There's a reason that all of said history is seen in a negative light. And no, I'm not completely with the majority opinion here.
I personally think children should be allowed to explore their bodies and know about their processes, and have a right to know how sex works, especially from their parents. It's just that adults doing it with kids is bad. Kids can do it to each other.

Ahh, yes, this totally convincing not!false flag made me completely forget how it's republican politicians that keep getting caught with child porn and refuse to close loopholes that protect child rapists from consequences!
Now I'm mad, not at pedo politicians or the corrupt system that enables them but at le gays! Surely just vaguely hating and discriminating against them will somehow protect all the kids who's christian/muslim/jewish communities force them to marry their rapsist who are older than their own fathers!

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>Well, it wasn't. And if it was, it was by using arguments that only looked at it from one side.
It's not about the arguments, it's about how the research that supports the theory that child sex is always severely traumatizing actually has some massive flaws in it. The Rind et al. study for example made quit a bit of a stir back in its time, and it has been successfully replicated. There's some more reading on the topic here:

based OP

i don't know, murder videos are completely legal. what's that about?

>Be OP
>”lol imagine if cp is legal”
>post onto Any Forums
>mfw why are glowies here

Oh no you dont. The history has proven what is true and false. A false comment was made. History refutes it. If you want to look negatively upon the truth thats up to you.
The way someone views what is true does not change the reality of a situation.
It can only be called a moralistic view in a world of ever changing morals.

Why would they? Even if it's the most low-effort obvious bait that no one falls for it achieves its goal. Other Any Forumstards will play along and act indignant with righteous fury or pretend to be other nonspecific-lgbt pedos in agreement but even just the thread/Op post can be screenshotted to post elsewhere as evidence of "omg look these pedo fags are trying to rape out kids!!"
They have every incentive to keep spamming and larping in these threads.

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Nigger faggot kys.

Well, how would you make it "legal"? For that, you'll need a certain proof that it is beneficial for them.

The current status is that it's harmful to them. To change this, it's not enough to say it's neutral, you'll have to show it's actively positive.

Different user
Off topic here but that not how laws work. What is or is not legal is literally nothing but the whims of the local group or individual with the most power.

Cool it OP
This won't be acceptable for another 2-4 years

till genziefags take over the world, yeah

Future generations won't have a chance. They'll be medicated and raped by faggots before they learn to read.

Your comment hurts because I know the majority of humanity only cares about being on the same ship as everyone else.
Humans disappoint me so.

Nice bait, faggot.

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