Why aren't you using openSUSE?

Why aren't you using openSUSE?

Attached: opensuse.png (90x56, 2.71K)

Because i have Windows 10 Pro with WSL2 and i use Ubuntu Servers on the cloud. I don't need your toy OS. Distro hoping is for those who don't use Windows.

But I am, running inside workstation pro because desktop linux is still a meme compared to windows.

Funnily enough it broke two days ago and my Internet doesn't work
Iirc they split NetworkManager into NetworkManager-wifi and sth else, but I couldn't find anything of the sort, so I'm taking refuge at a different distro
I will come back to openSUSE though, it's just a temporary issue I have to deal with

Btw to any Windows users who want to convert me back, I will just say a resounding "no, thank you, Bill Gates called my mum fat"

Fedora is better.

>on the cloud
You mean on a server?

I said "Ubuntu Servers on the Cloud" as in Ubuntu in servers that i don't physically own in my home/place of work.

>Bill Gates called my mum fat
He was just being honest user, and you took it personnaly. Grow up.

So someone else's server? What does "the cloud" even mean?

Touché, user, touché

Yes, and that is what the word Cloud means. A managed server instance, either dedicated or shared from a business provider (aka Cloud Provider).

Wasn't OpenSuse Leap on the verge of being canned for MicroOS and that other random Suse project?

Because it's slow. You probably won't notice anything on newer hardware but it's awfully slow even when using just openbox. It's the Linux equivalent of windows when it comes to responsiveness.

I have Tumbleweed on my spare laptop, it's nice. Zypper (as with anything RPM based) is a bit slow but works well.

because is fucking dead and has benn for a while, their devs are afraid on implementing or changing anything in case SUSE and Richard Brown get mad.
They already decided to fully kill it in 2 years, it will only be MicroOS and SUSE from now on

Because Ubuntu LTS just works and any software on Earth works on it

>2 more w̶̶e̶̶e̶̶k̶̶s̶̶ ̶ years

Had a weird EULA and seemed kind of proprietary when I booted up the installer. So I never tried it.

>Pushes btrfs
>No option during install to install codecs

That's it really. Decent distro apart from those things.

Queue the opensuse faggot coming along to tell me some faggot command to get all the codecs "easily" and completely missing the point.


Attached: 1572399026547.jpg (300x300, 11.55K)

I use network-manager-gnome on Debian and it never fails me.